
The 21st Beijing Calligraphy and Seal Carving Exhibition opens, with 109 works on display


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Beijing News (Reporter Liu Zhen) On August 9, the "Origin of Seal Script - The 21st Beijing Calligraphy and Seal Carving Exhibition" hosted by the Beijing Federation of Literary and Art Circles and undertaken by the Beijing Calligraphers Association and the Capital Museum opened at the Capital Museum. Su Shishu, Chairman of the 7th Chinese Calligraphers Association, Yang Weihua, member of the Party Leadership Group of the Chinese Calligraphers Association and Deputy Secretary-General, Bai Jingyi, member of the Party Leadership Group of the Beijing Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Vice Chairman, Ye Peigui, Chairman of the Beijing Calligraphers Association, Peng Yi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Capital Museum, Ding Jiageng, Wang Lizhi, Tian Boping, Liu Jianfeng, Liu Junjing, Liu Meihong, Guo Mengxiang, Dou Zhiqiang, Vice Chairman of the Beijing Calligraphers Association, Zhang Shijun, Bu Xixuan, Yang Guangxin, members of the 4th and 5th Presidium and Art Advisors of the Beijing Calligraphers Association, Zhang Jiancai, member of the Cursive Script Committee of the Chinese Calligraphers Association and Vice Chairman of the Henan Calligraphers Association, as well as more than 200 authors and calligraphy enthusiasts participated in the opening ceremony and visited the exhibition. Yang Weihua, Bai Jingyi and Peng Yi delivered speeches respectively, Ye Peigui introduced the exhibition, Wang Ximeng spoke on behalf of the authors, leaders and guests issued certificates to the authors, the Beijing Federation of Literary and Art Circles presented calligraphy works to the Capital Museum, Su Shishu, Yang Weihua, Ye Peigui and Peng Yi jointly launched the opening of the exhibition. The opening ceremony was hosted by Tian Jing, Secretary General of the Beijing Calligraphy Association.
The Beijing Calligraphers Association presented calligraphy works by the presidium to the Capital Museum.
In his speech, Yang Weihua pointed out that Beijing, as China's cultural center and a world-renowned historical and cultural city, has rich historical resources and profound cultural heritage, which provides unique conditions for the inheritance and development of calligraphy art. He said that this calligraphy and seal-cutting boutique exhibition with the theme of "The Origin of Seal Script" is a calligraphy exhibition with multiple styles, including precious rubbings, inscriptions on gold and stone, and seal-cutting boutiques of famous masters, as well as masterpieces of calligraphers and seal-cutters in Beijing, and seal-cutting works that are widely solicited and evaluated from the society. These works inherit classics, uphold integrity and innovate, present the unique aesthetic spirit and cultural connotation of the Chinese nation, show the continuation of calligraphy context and the promotion of the spirit of the times, and are a concentrated display of the talent advantages, resource advantages, and cultural advantages of Beijing's calligraphy community. The holding of this calligraphy and seal-cutting boutique exhibition will surely effectively promote the prosperity and development of the capital's literary and artistic undertakings and inject strong power into the construction of the national cultural center. It is hoped that the Beijing Calligraphers Association will take this exhibition of calligraphy and seal carving as an opportunity to further play the guiding and exemplary role of professional exhibitions, vigorously promote the Chinese aesthetic spirit and socialist core values, and guide the capital's calligraphy and seal carving authors to be rooted in tradition, uphold integrity and innovate, use China's excellent traditional culture as the source of creation, integrate artistic creativity and Chinese cultural values, and let the ancient art of calligraphy and seal carving shine with new glory in the new era.
Bai Jingyi said in her speech that, on behalf of the Beijing Federation of Literary and Art Circles, she would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone and express her sincere congratulations to the authors who have entered the exhibition! She pointed out that the Beijing Calligraphers Association has been based on the advantages of the capital's cultural resources for many years, insisting on Beijing calligraphy as a chess game, focusing on displaying its image and creating its brand. It has held 20 consecutive "Beijing Calligraphy and Seal Carving Exhibitions", 4 "Beijing International Calligraphy Biennales", 9 "Beijing Beautiful Countryside Calligraphy Art Exhibitions", 11 "Beijing TV Calligraphy Competitions", and the first "Beijing Newcomers and New Works Calligraphy and Seal Carving Exhibitions" and other influential exhibitions and competitions, which have played a positive role in highlighting the charm of cultural Beijing and calligraphy Beijing and promoting the excellent traditional Chinese culture. She hopes that the Beijing Calligraphers Association will continue to run a calligraphy brand with Beijing's regional characteristics based on the rich literary and artistic resources of the capital, strive to build a highland of Beijing calligraphy, and make positive contributions to promoting the construction of the national cultural center; the majority of calligraphers and calligraphy enthusiasts will effectively enhance their confidence in culture, deeply understand traditional culture, take the lead in promoting traditional culture, and let the excellent traditional Chinese culture shine with vigorous vitality in the continuation of inheritance.
Peng Yi said in his speech that he hoped that through this exhibition, more visitors would visit the museum, appreciate the unique artistic conception of seal script art, and feel the profoundness of Chinese traditional culture. Ye Peigui said in introducing the exhibition that the "Beijing Calligraphy and Seal Carving Exhibition" is a brand exhibition of the Beijing Calligraphy Association, which has been successfully held for 20 sessions. In order to better adapt to the situation and requirements of the development of contemporary calligraphy, and uphold the principle of keeping integrity and innovation, this exhibition has explored some new practices in the design of exhibition content and form on the basis of inheriting the existing fine traditions of the brand. First of all, it is to strengthen the reference of reality to history, hoping to achieve the effect of not only highlighting the present but also revitalizing the past, and provide reference for promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of calligraphy. The exhibits include classics of past dynasties, such as the oracle bone inscriptions of the East Land of Huayuanzhuang, Yinxu, Dayu Ding, Sanshi Pan, Stone Drum Inscriptions, Taishan Stone Carvings and other precious rubbings, as well as seal script masterpieces of Deng Shiru, Wu Rangzhi, Zhao Zhiqian, Wu Changshuo and other masters, as well as seal script and seal carving works selected after extensive solicitation of manuscripts from the society. We hope that everyone can better understand the pursuit of the authors under the reflection of the past and the present. Secondly, it aims to highlight the integration of art and academics, hoping to achieve the effect of combining literature and calligraphy, and further consolidate the foundation for Beijing's calligraphy industry to better meet the needs of building a national cultural center.
The exhibition is themed "The Origin and Development of Seal Script". Most of the 109 works are about seal script, prefaces, poems, etc. The exhibition also specially invited 60 calligraphers to write inscriptions for 8 inscriptions of gold and stone. It is expected that everyone will not only appreciate the emotional meaning of the brush and ink, but also gain a rational understanding of the history and culture of seal script when reading the words. It is reported that this exhibition adopts two methods of soliciting works: targeted solicitation from members and extensive solicitation from the society. It has received positive responses and extensive participation from calligraphers and calligraphy enthusiasts in Beijing. From the date of solicitation on May 9 to the deadline on June 10, a total of 655 works were received. The review committee, in line with the principle of "openness, fairness and justice", carefully selected and selected the best of the best and selected 109 fine works for the exhibition, including 49 seal scripts and seal carvings, and 60 years of official script, regular script, running script and cursive script.
It is reported that the exhibition will last until September 22 and will be open to the public free of charge during this period.
Editor: Tian Sini
Proofread by Liu Jun