
Organizers "ran away" and dozens of Latvian tourists were stranded in Spain


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RIGA, August 10 (Xinhua) -- Hundreds of young people from Latvia who were planning to go to a surfing camp in Portugal were stranded in Spain recently because the organizers "ran away". As of the 9th, dozens of them had not returned. Relevant Latvian authorities are arranging for them to return home.
The Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on social media on the 9th that a total of 171 people participated in a trip to Portugal organized by a travel company in the country.
On May 4, 2022, in Riga, the capital of Latvia, a child took a photo at the Freedom Monument Square. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Yanis)According to Latvian media reports, the above-mentioned people set out from Riga, the capital of Latvia, on the evening of July 29 in three double-decker buses. On the way to the destination, problems continued - the bus broke down, the organizer of the tour project lost contact, and most of the people were stranded in Spain. Most of them were minors, the youngest of whom was only 13 years old.
According to the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 62 of the above tourists managed to reach Portugal, two of whom have already left for Latvia. Of the remaining 109 tourists, 24 have left or are preparing to leave. The rest are temporarily stranded in Spain.
The Latvian Consumer Rights Protection Center said that it will arrange for the stranded tourists in Spain to return home, with the earliest group set to leave on the afternoon of the 9th. Due to the complex coordination work among all parties, it is expected that all the stranded people will return to Latvia on the evening of the 13th.
The spokesperson of the center said that the travel company that organized the trip to Portugal had liquidity problems and was unable to fulfill its obligations. The Latvian Center for Consumer Rights Protection has revoked its business license.