
Focusing on child-friendliness and creating a new summer IP for the city, the children’s growth camp in Putuo is full of fun!


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There are two children-only sports and cultural event points competitions every week, with an average of more than 60 groups of community families participating each week. Parent-child interaction and friendly competitions help children develop their multi-dimensional cultural and sports qualities during the summer vacation. "The children have something to look forward to during the summer vacation. They will go rope skipping this week and painting next week. Now they are looking forward to the competitions next week at home." A resident living in Zhenru Town, Putuo District, said that the "Fuyuehui Summer Children's Growth Camp" launched by Shanghai Fuyuehui is very popular. In addition to rewards for children's performance in a single event, after all the events in the summer camp are over, a comprehensive reward will be given to children's summer performance in the form of a points system.
The scene of the Fuyuehui Summer Children's Growth Camp
Shanghai Fuyuehui is a commercial sector under Fosun Group with the theme of Love Pets, Love Home, Love Life, and deeply rooted in the Zhenru area of ​​Putuo. During the "Summer of Shanghai" International Consumption Season, the mall combined the goal of Putuo District to create a child-friendly urban area and its own parent-child characteristic positioning, and jointly with Zhenru Town Street and more than ten educational merchants in the mall, with the theme of "Looking at the Community from a One-Meter Height", launched the "Fuyuehui Summer Children's Growth Camp", with skipping, swimming, table tennis, football, basketball, art painting and dance as the staged competition content, and organized community families to participate. "Since the launch of the event, a total of ten events have been held in five weeks, and parents and children like it very much." The relevant person in charge of Shanghai Fuyuehui introduced that the enthusiastic participation of parent-child families also played an important role in attracting traffic to the mall's catering merchants.
Cute Pets
Children and cute pets always seem to go together. "There are many families with pets around the mall, and we have also laid out a large lawn outside the mall. The trendy pet vitality field is also a brand feature that we have cultivated for many years." The relevant person in charge of Shanghai Fuyuehui introduced that in addition to actively organizing various fun activities for "cats" and "dogs", making Fuyuehui a more comfortable platform for pet owners to communicate and interact, the mall has also made many attempts in the field of exotic pets recently, such as: the squirrel tribe created this summer, introducing several squirrel "residents" to live permanently in Fuyuehui, which has also become a new highlight of the mall, bringing more vitality and fun to the mall.
Summer Nightlife
In terms of summer nightlife, the mall has arranged a series of night entertainment and activity formats with "Zhenru Night Market" as the main axis. For example, it has created the "Zhenru Night Market Beer Festival" in stages with Carlsberg and Tsingtao Beer brands. Brooklyn and Beijing A beer buses have appeared in Fuyuehui. In addition to lobster skewers, there are also music performances every night. The interactive game of football and beer makes participating consumers linger and indulge in it. On August 9 (this Friday), Fuyuehui will also join hands with LOVERADIO 103.7 channel to present a wonderful singing party for the surrounding residents.
The strong atmosphere of fireworks is making Fu Yue Hui the first choice for local residents to spend the summer.
Ding Wanxing