
Hualu Hengsheng's carbon reduction "addition and subtraction" method


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On July 1, the Office of the Leading Group for the Construction of the Shandong Province Green, Low-Carbon, High-Quality Development Pilot Zone announced the list of pillar-type goose formation clusters and "leading goose" enterprises. Shandong Hualu Hengsheng Chemical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hualu Hengsheng"), as the leading enterprise of the Dezhou Chemical New Materials Industry Cluster, was also selected as a "leading goose" enterprise.
Prior to this, Hualu Hengsheng released its first environmental, social and governance (ESG) report: R&D investment was 1.111 billion yuan, environmental protection investment was 412.2581 million yuan...
On July 10, the reporter came to Hualu Hengsheng to explore the company's high-quality development footprints and feel the enterprise's green spirit.
Extend the supply chain and expand the group, and step up efforts to accelerate high-quality development
In the midsummer, the Hualu Hengsheng Park is full of towering towers, crisscrossing pipelines, clusters of flowers and lush green trees, and is filled with the atmosphere of a modern industrial enterprise. The reporter saw that on the screen of the park's safety and environmental protection emergency integrated control center, the devices were neatly arranged, and the control points were bright and eye-catching. The operators at the control stations were focused, staring at the densely packed process data on the screen, and remotely controlling the devices to operate "safely, stably, fully and optimally".
"In the past five years, we have invested more than 20 billion yuan in total and implemented more than 10 high-end chemical projects, achieving a virtuous cycle of putting into production a batch, building a batch, starting a batch, and planning a batch." Shuttled between the winding pipeline corridors and towering towers, Ren Geyong, manager of the Planning and Investment Department of Hualu Hengsheng, introduced as he walked that the company continued to maintain its advantages in the fertilizer sector by extending the chain and expanding the group, high-end chemicals were efficiently co-produced, new chemical materials formed a cluster, new energy materials rose from behind, special chemicals for energy storage batteries and nylon functional materials became new flagship products, and the production capacity and market share of products such as DMF, methylamine, dibasic acid and carbonate ester ranked first in the country, making it a leading enterprise in many sub-industries.
In the view of Qi Shaoqing, general manager of Hualu Hengsheng, green development is the background of high-quality development, and new quality productivity itself is green productivity. Hualu Hengsheng has always adhered to the corporate mission of "integrating green chemistry into nature and benefiting society with high-quality products", taking the lead in green transformation and promoting new industrialization as its own responsibility, focusing on carbon fixation and value-added, carbon reduction and efficiency improvement, building green chemistry and ecological Hengsheng, vigorously developing the circular economy, creating a green manufacturing system with Hengsheng characteristics, and cultivating and developing new quality productivity with distinctive characteristics of innovation, intensiveness, greenness, low carbon, wisdom and sharing.
In March 2023, Hualu Hengsheng was identified by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council as a world-class specialized, sophisticated and innovative demonstration enterprise.
"Innovative development requires increased investment and coordinated optimization of existing stocks and upgrading of incremental stocks. Optimization of existing stocks should emphasize 'precision and uniqueness', while upgrading incremental stocks should emphasize 'specialization and innovation'," Qi Shaoqing told reporters.
Qi Shaoqing further explained: "Specialization" is mainly reflected in focusing on the main business, that is, closely focusing on the core of enhancing the comprehensive competitiveness of the enterprise, focusing on strengths, and never getting involved in unhealthy, purely speculative, and non-advantageous industries and fields with unclear cognition and inadequate preparation; "Precision" is mainly reflected in continuous improvement, that is, closely focusing on the main line of enhancing the sustainable profitability of the enterprise, precise investment, lean operation, and fine management; "Special" is mainly reflected in distinctive characteristics, that is, closely focusing on the topic of improving resource utilization efficiency, focusing on main business optimization, technological upgrading and comprehensive utilization of resources, and solidly promoting the extension and expansion of the industrial chain and product upgrading; "New" is mainly reflected in new momentum and new track, that is, closely focusing on the task of green, low-carbon and high-quality development, deepening the coupling and co-production of coal chemical industry and petrochemical industry, extending and expanding the deep processing of synthetic gas, enriching the supporting product group of synthetic materials, and intervening in the field of lithium battery chemical products to achieve the coordinated development of new energy and new materials.
Improve quality and optimize to practice green and low-carbon development
How to continuously improve production efficiency and achieve energy conservation and consumption reduction through technological transformation and process innovation has become an important way for many companies to promote green and low-carbon development. Hualu Hengsheng focuses on improving resource efficiency and operational benefits and vigorously carries out energy-saving, electricity-saving, coal-saving, steam-saving and water-saving transformation. In recent years, there have been more than 10 steam-saving transformations involving urea systems.
Bao Pengfei, director of the Hualu Hengsheng Urea Workshop, told reporters that the workshop uses the low-profile water and low-level heat energy of the urea unit to heat the water temperature at the reverse osmosis station to about 30°C, and can recover 15.6 million calories of heat per hour; optimizing the utilization of the condensate from the evaporation process can save 38,000 tons of steam annually; in response to the problem of insufficient utilization of medium-pressure decomposition heat, technical reforms are carried out after process calculations, which can save 40,000 tons of steam annually... Thanks to continuous energy conservation and consumption reduction, the competitive advantage of urea products has been consolidated, making it the "profit leader" of the company.
"In order to control the emission of 'three wastes', we have taken four measures simultaneously, including carbon collection, greenhouse gas recovery, energy conservation and consumption reduction, and concentration control. We have started from the source of production and effectively recycled and utilized pollutants through device replacement, upgrading and transformation to reduce pollutant emissions." Tian Wenping, chief engineer of the safety link energy department of Hualu Hengsheng, said that the company recycles high-concentration CO2 gas as raw materials, and can recycle 100,000 tons of CO2 gas annually; the company has built a nitrous oxide recovery device in the new project, which can recycle 15,000 tons of nitrous oxide annually, equivalent to reducing CO2 emissions by about 4.65 million tons; through the implementation of a number of energy-saving technical transformation projects such as the reaction heat transformation of the methylamine unit, the optimization and energy-saving transformation of the synthetic ammonia system, and the utilization of waste heat from gasification black water, the steam can be saved by 60 tons per hour... Through the above-mentioned technical transformation, recycling and comprehensive utilization, CO2 emissions are reduced by 208,000 tons per year, and 50,000 tons of standard coal are saved. At present, the carbon emission intensity of Hualu Hengsheng's synthetic ammonia and methanol is 5.6% and 10.7% lower than the industry average, respectively.
In addition, Hualu Hengsheng strengthened the control of environmental protection facilities to achieve continuous reduction of pollutants. By optimizing process operation parameters and strictly controlling indicators, all boilers of the company have achieved ultra-low emissions, and the concentration of SO2 and particulate matter emissions have been reduced by 40.53% and 35.09% respectively compared with the average level of the same industry, reducing SO2 emissions by 167.5 tons and particulate matter emissions by 17.6 tons compared with the industry average.
Carbon fixation increases value and improves resource utilization efficiency
"In the process of development over the years, we have coordinated the optimization of existing stocks and the upgrading of incremental stocks, focused on the extension and expansion of the industrial chain and the comprehensive utilization of resources, fixed carbon and increased value, reduced carbon and improved efficiency, saved energy and reduced emissions, improved quality and increased efficiency, and steadily promoted green, low-carbon, and high-quality development." Yu Fuhong, deputy general manager and chief scientist of Hualu Hengsheng, introduced.
Hualu Hengsheng adheres to the principle of "combining reduction and addition", gradually eliminates old process equipment, and uses new processes and technologies to promote industrial upgrading. In the past 10 years, the company has successively eliminated the fixed-bed gasification with backward technology and high energy consumption, as well as the subsequent 180,000 tons/year synthetic ammonia, 300,000 tons/year urea, and 200,000 tons/year methanol units, shut down fluidized bed boilers below 75 tons/hour and air separation units below 60,000 cubic meters/hour, and implemented a series of traditional industry upgrades and comprehensive resource utilization, platform optimization, and equivalent replacement projects.
Hualu Hengsheng actively implements the requirements of Shandong Province to reduce energy consumption and coal consumption, and actively builds new business forms and models. While continuing to extend and expand the downstream industrial chain, it no longer increases the consumption of thermal coal, but shuts down some coal-fired boilers and uses external resources to solve the problem of production steam. In May 2017, Hualu Hengsheng signed a supply chain complementarity framework agreement with the adjacent Huaneng Dezhou Power Plant, using the medium and low-pressure steam after the latter's power generation to provide kinetic energy for new projects. In 5 years, a total of more than 16 million tons of steam have been supplied, saving more than 1.4 million tons of standard coal, and realizing the integration and recycling of the industrial chain of the park. In addition, the company invested in the construction of coal transportation railway lines and fertilizer railway dedicated lines, which can complete the railway loading and cargo shipment of raw materials and finished products within the factory area. Compared with the original road transportation, logistics transportation is more convenient, which greatly reduces the pressure of transportation and environmental protection.
"Through process iteration, equipment upgrades, platform optimization, and chain extension, the comprehensive energy consumption per 10,000 yuan of output value has dropped by 42% in the past five years." Tian Wenping said that this year the company took advantage of the situation and carried out carbon footprint accounting work for four products and continued to promote pollution reduction and carbon reduction pilot projects.
Qi Shaoqing told reporters that this year is the year for Hualu Hengsheng to accelerate the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan" and speed up the development of green, low-carbon and high-quality development. The company coordinated production operations and innovative development, grasped safety, stabilized production, strengthened investment, expanded volume, tapped potential and improved efficiency, showing a good momentum of steady operation, strengthening development, improving structure and improving quality. The main operating indicators achieved double growth and double exceeded half. In the next step, Hualu Hengsheng will give full play to the leading and driving role of "head goose" enterprises in the development of industrial clusters. In accordance with the deployment requirements of the province to deepen the transformation of new and old kinetic energy, speed up the high-quality development of the industrial economy, and build a pilot zone for green, low-carbon and high-quality development, it will steadily promote the development of enterprises towards innovation-driven, green and low-carbon, intelligent manufacturing and industrial synergy, build an integrated industrial ecosystem with leading technology, distinctive characteristics, strong chains and high-end value, and create a more competitive and influential chemical new materials industry cluster.
(Shandong State-owned Assets reporter Liang Qing/correspondent Liu Haijun)