
Breaking the filter, Yaowang Technology expands the boundaries of live broadcasting through a variety show


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Recently, the 2024 onlyoneA reality show about anchors' growth, "Please Start Broadcasting Now", has come to a successful conclusion. The show has been broadcast on Southeast TV and Tencent Video since May 30, and ranked TOP2 on Tencent Video's "Career Variety Show List". Live broadcasting is an activity on a small screen. This time, Yaowang uses the perspective of big screen, variety shows, and content to magnify the ecology and industry development of small-screen live broadcasting, to intuitively show the public the true picture of the live broadcasting industry, to observe the real ecology of the anchor circle up close, to "break" the anchor filter, and to open up a new horizon for the live broadcasting industry.

Empower the entire process and tap into the potential of anchors

As the only anchor training program in the first half of 2024, "Please Start Broadcasting Now" is very attentive in the selection of mentors and contestants. Xie Rudong, Chairman and CEO of Yaowang Technology, together with Wu Yating, Huang Yi, Jiang Chao, Ren Hao, Shu Chang, Calvin Chen, Jiro Wang, Lou Yixiao, and Yu Dagongzi, form a "star anchor mentor group"; and in addition to mature anchors such as Xiaowu, Dongzhe, and Chaoren, there are also new anchors such as Wang Shuishui, Wenbei Junjun, and Xiaoma.

In the program trailer, Yaowang Technology Chairman and CEO Xie Rudong asked a soul-searching question: In the era of universal live broadcasting, what kind of anchor is considered a good anchor? "Who is more valuable, the anchor in the spotlight or the staff behind the spotlight?"

On the stage of "Start Broadcasting Now", the contestants and their teams answered these questions with extreme attention to detail and professionalism.

In the program, Xiaowu, who was originally an assistant to Jia Nailiang, accurately positioned the camera, placed the mat stably, carefully designed the background board, and carefully selected the samples, all of which reflected her love and responsibility for the identity of a "professional anchor" and her deep understanding of the live broadcast business. At the same time, she communicated closely with the operation team, constantly adjusted and optimized strategies, and was committed to achieving better live broadcast results.

The audience who have watched the show should be able to feel that Xiaowu is just a microcosm. Every anchor and every live broadcast team of Yaowang are doing their best. They will repeatedly confirm every product, repeatedly check every link, and endure one night after another when no one cares, just to do a good job in every live broadcast and serve every consumer. At present, live broadcast e-commerce is still in rapid growth. For an emerging industry, there are different voices and even doubts in society. Through "Please Start Broadcasting Now", the public saw a group of active and hard-working young people, and also saw a thriving industry. Especially after the online anchor was defined as a formal profession by the state, the live broadcast industry has become more standardized and developed healthily.

In addition to improving the image of the live broadcast industry and anchors in the public's impression, the program also provides valuable experience for young people who want to try their hand in the live broadcast industry.

Huang Yi, a celebrity anchor mentor, and Yu Dagongzi, a billion-level anchor incubated by Yaowang, asked questions on behalf of netizens in the program: "Regarding live broadcasting, do newbies still have a chance to get in?" "Artists are switching to become anchors, how can ordinary people survive in the live broadcasting industry?"

Data shows that among the nearly 10,000 fresh graduates interviewed in 2023, 61.6% would consider careers such as live streaming, and the live streaming and short video industries directly or indirectly generate more than 100 million job opportunities. In Hangzhou, one in every 244 people is a live streamer.

A large number of "newcomers" have entered the industry. If they want to grow quickly, in addition to their own efforts, they also need the support of the platform. As one of the leading companies in the industry, Yaowang Technology provides support to new anchors and practitioners who are full of longing for the live broadcast industry, and continues to help them grow and transform. Yaowang Technology not only joins hands with star anchors such as Wang Zulan and Jia Nailiang, but also pays long-term attention to and cultivates the potential and talents of each expert anchor with its far-sighted vision. Through the unique display window of "Please Start Broadcasting Now", the audience can see Yaowang Technology's care and professional support for the anchors. From meticulous product selection and planning to the teaching of live broadcast skills, from the formulation of operation strategies to precise traffic delivery, Yaowang Technology provides anchors with a complete set of standardized and systematic full-process services to ensure their rapid growth and explosion in the live broadcast field.

For example, Mr. Yu, the mentor in "Please Start Broadcasting Now" and a billion-level anchor who was incubated by Yaowang from 0 to 1, was Wang Zulan's assistant when he came to Yaowang in early 2019. Through his own efforts and Yaowang's professional support, he quickly grew into a billion-level anchor, won many awards such as "Annual Highlight Anchor" and "Annual TOP Anchor", and served as the "Asian Games Torchbearer" last year.

There are many similar cases. For example, Xiaowu, a contestant in the show, was once the owner of a fruit store. After coming to Yaowang, she grew from being Jia Nailiang's assistant to the preferred anchor for many brand stores. Another contestant, Dong Zhe, was a college student majoring in broadcasting and hosting. With her love for live broadcasting, she came to Yaowang and has now become the "number one anchor" in Yaowang's wine and beverage category. Countless new anchors have found their career direction in Yaowang and have been recognized. As Xie Rudong, chairman and CEO of Yaowang Technology, said, "Under the Yaowang sky, every star has a chance to be seen."

Based on a huge matrix of high-quality anchors and full-process standardization, Yaowang Technology not only maintains sustained growth in its core business of live streaming e-commerce, but also innovates and outputs high-quality content in the fields of variety shows and performances.

Based on different positioning and perspectives, Yaowang Technology's thinking on the "quality" and "effectiveness" of variety shows and movies is naturally "different" from that of film and television companies. Traditional variety shows and movies pay more attention to the investment and capital acquisition of the front link, and need to use advertising revenue to support the production and promotion of the entire variety show, but Yaowang will put the back link realization in the entire commercial chain, have different considerations and advantages in variety shows, and can be more diversified when planning content for IP.

Moreover, with the increase in cooperative IPs, Yaowang has gradually established a solid foundation in advertising endorsements, variety shows, film and television, short dramas, offline performances and other businesses. The future development space and path of IP will be more diversified, and the extension of diversified operations and content business will also bring more imagination space for IP and brands.

Take the creation of the "30th Anniversary Concert of the Legend of White Snake" as an example. As a national-level actress, "White Snake" is an important label on Zhao Yazhi. Yaowang hopes to promote the influence and commercial value of the artist IP through more diverse content. So in late July, Yaowang Technology co-organized the "30th Anniversary Concert of the Legend of White Snake·Hangzhou Station". In addition to traditional ticket sales channels, Yaowang Technology used its own live e-commerce advantages to promote localized concert ticket sales through live broadcasts and tried content-driven conversion. In traditional e-commerce, it is more of a "people looking for goods" logic, while Yaowang's process of driving local life through live broadcasts is a "goods looking for people" logic, using content that is closer to people's interest tags, so that people who are interested in the content can really find their favorite products. At the same time, in addition to live broadcasting, with the help of content to convey a wider influence, Yaowang hopes to use "New White" to make more people pay attention to the beautiful scenery and rich cultural heritage of Hangzhou, and find the right balance between business and culture.

Artist IP, brands, and cooperative platforms are the three core service objects of Yaowang Technology. With greater influence, IP will have a greater commercial realization basis, which can better serve brands. Brands will gain greater brand influence, increase sales, and bring direct benefits to the platform. "The interests and values ​​of the three parties can be combined and promoted together." Using diverse and high-quality content to connect and empower IP, brands, and platforms seems to have become a special business logic of Yaowang Technology.

Looking back at the recently concluded "Please Start Broadcasting Now", "Making variety shows and making money from them is not the original intention of Yaowang Technology. We hope to make strategic and business investments." Yu Long, head of Yaowang Technology's commercialization and variety show film and television, answered this question in an interview. Yaowang Technology focuses more on the IP itself, hoping to enhance the influence of the IP by deepening the content. The back-end link and long-term returns are far more important than making money by making a variety show or holding a concert. Just like every live broadcast, long-term persistence and flexible adjustments are the way Yaowang Technology practices the development and operation of the entire life cycle of IP.
