
Fuqing, Fujian: Sea breeze lights up thousands of houses


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China Youth Daily Client, Fuzhou, August 8 (China Youth Daily·China Youth Network intern reporter Lu Jian, reporter Tian Hongwei) "It must be scary, it's more than 100 meters high!" China Three Gorges Power Operations Manager Cheng Shuangbao recalled that when he first climbed outside the wind turbine cabin, his hands were shaking and he didn't dare to move at all, but later he got used to it.
The scene of the women's 10-meter diving competition at the Paris Olympics is still vivid in our minds. Chinese athletes Quan Hongchan and Chen Yuxi won gold and silver medals for China with their skilled techniques, becoming heroes in the hearts of countless people. In Fujian, when the reporter participated in the "High-quality Development Research Tour" themed interview activity, he came to the Xinghua Bay Offshore Wind Farm in Fuqing and met a group of "heroes" who worked 100 meters above the sea and lit up thousands of lights.
The Fuqing Xinghua Bay Offshore Wind Farm is jointly invested and constructed by Fujian Energy Group and China Three Gorges Group. It is located in the southeast of Jiangyin Peninsula and northwest of Niutouwei in Fuqing City, Fujian Province. The total installed capacity of the wind farm is 357.4 MW, and a 220 kV offshore substation is built as a supporting facility.
Cheng Shuangbao told the China Youth Daily and China Youth Network reporter that he, 50 years old this year, has been working at the Xinghua Bay offshore wind farm in Fuqing for five years. His main job is to climb up to the middle of the wind turbine to check the wind turbine's hydraulic pitch system, main control system, gearbox, generator, etc. "Normally, I may have to go out to sea for inspection 3-5 times a week, but if it's more frequent, I may have to go up to the wind turbine for inspection and maintenance twice a day."
Xinghua Bay offshore power plant. Photo by Lu Jian, trainee reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network
"Before the typhoon, we had a rule that we were not allowed to work on the wind turbines. But after the typhoon, because we needed emergency maintenance, we basically worked from 7:30 in the morning to 11 at night." Cheng Shuangbao said, "In addition to being tired, there was also the heat. The internal temperature of the machine can be as high as 60-70 degrees Celsius, and if it's cool, it's only over 30 degrees Celsius, so we pay close attention to heatstroke prevention and drink about two liters of salty soda every day."
In addition to inspection and maintenance before and after a typhoon, intelligent control during a typhoon is equally important. "We will adjust our blades according to wind speed and direction," Wang Jiabin, deputy manager of the power operation department of Fuqing Strait Power Generation Co., Ltd., told reporters. "When the wind speed is below 3 meters per second, we will be on standby. Between 10 and 25 meters, we will operate at full power. Above 25 meters, we will reduce the power, and above 30 meters, we will stop operating directly."
Wang Jiabin introduced that a 16-megawatt wind turbine can generate 34 kilowatt-hours of electricity per rotation, and can generate 66 million kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, equivalent to the electricity consumption of 36,000 households. At present, the offshore wind farm project has been built in two phases, with a total of 59 wind turbines installed, with a total installed capacity of 357.4 megawatts.
The Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting China-style Modernization, adopted at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, proposed to accelerate the planning and construction of a new energy system, improve the policies and measures for the consumption and regulation of new energy, improve the work system for adapting to climate change, and establish a new mechanism for the comprehensive transformation from dual control of energy consumption to dual control of carbon emissions.
Cheng Shuangbao, the operation manager of China Three Gorges Power, inspects the main control system inside the wind turbine cabin of the Xinghua Bay offshore wind farm. Photo provided by the interviewee
"The reason for choosing this location is to take advantage of Fujian's good wind resources and deep-water port advantages to improve power generation efficiency and wind turbine transportation." Sheng Lei, the person in charge of the operation of Fujian Three Gorges Industrial Park, told reporters that such cost-cutting and efficiency-enhancing measures have also made clean energy no longer synonymous with "expensive". "In 2017, the bid price per kilowatt of offshore wind turbines was still around 8,000 yuan. So far, the bid price per kilowatt of our offshore wind turbines has dropped to around 3,000 yuan."
Today, the Xinghua Bay Phase II project is known as the "encyclopedia" of offshore wind turbine pile foundations, creating "the first batch application of prestressed anchor bolts to support typhoon wind turbine foundations in typhoon areas". Since its commissioning, the Xinghua Bay offshore wind farm in Fuqing has generated more than 5.2 billion kWh of electricity, equivalent to reducing coal consumption by about 1.57 million tons and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 3.83 million tons.
(Source: China Youth Daily Client)