
Looking at Paris from a first-person perspective, what happened to Notre Dame de Paris five years after the fire?


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On August 8, local time, a special correspondent of Huasheng Online All Media visited Notre Dame de Paris on the Ile de la Cité in Paris, France. The towering cranes and the scaffolding like a web surrounded this world cultural heritage. The collapsed vault was wrapped in scaffolding, and it was impossible to find out its restoration status, but a spire that was exactly the same as the original gave people hope that it might be restored to its original state.
At around 18:50 local time on April 15, 2019, a fire broke out at Notre Dame de Paris, causing its spire to collapse and the wooden roof in the middle and rear to be completely burned, while most of its stone vaults were preserved. Hundreds of firefighters fought the fire all night until dawn the next day, when the fire was put out and the overall structure of the building was saved.
The fire attracted attention from France and the world. French President Emmanuel Macron announced that evening that Notre Dame de Paris would be rebuilt and it was expected to take five years for it to be reopened to the public.
Huasheng Online Omnimedia special correspondent Deng Zhengke and correspondent Hong Lan report from Paris
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