
Google: Chinese developers have always been an indispensable pioneering force on the global stage


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Recently, the 2024 Google Developer Conference was held in Beijing. Chen Junting, President of Google Greater China, said at the conference: "Chinese developers have always been an indispensable pioneering force on the global stage. In the past year, 25 development teams from China have won 50 Google Play Best of the Year awards in different regions around the world with a total of 31 games and applications."
David McLaughlin, director of Google's global developer ecosystem, told The Paper that generative AI (artificial intelligence) is a major global trend for developers going overseas. Google has noticed that it is relatively difficult to develop AI-driven applications, so in response to this, Google is providing Chinese developers going overseas with a more user-friendly and highly integrated tool platform. In addition, he suggested that Chinese startups pay attention to emerging markets, including Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, and also consider parts of Northern Europe and the United States, because the product-market fit is closer to China: "To decide which overseas market to go to first, you must first analyze your own technical elements, followed by the cultural elements of a specific country, and ensure that the company is connected to the target market." (Hu Hanyan, reporter of The Paper)
The Paper
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