
North-South Division: Wang Qian was defeated and executed, Yang Jian took the throne and founded the Sui Dynasty


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North-South Division: Wang Qian was defeated and executed, Yang Jian took the throne and founded the Sui Dynasty

Wang Qian, the governor of Yizhou, only hoped that the armies would win and he would send out troops to follow up. However, he did not expect that the military reports from various places all turned into smoke and disappeared. He could not help but be trembling with fear and was very worried. Gao Anagong, the governor of Longzhou, was disappointed because he was transferred by Yang Jian, so he offered a plan to Wang Qian: "If you lead the elite troops to Sanguan, the people of Shu will know that you are loyal to the king and will be willing to serve you. This is the best strategy. Send troops to Liang Han to occupy the hinterland, which is the middle strategy. If you stay in Jiannan and send troops to defend yourself, this will be the worst strategy." Wang Qian wanted to use the middle and lower strategies because the best strategy was too dangerous. The governor's chief secretary Yi Fuqian and the governor of Yizhou Da Xijin said: "The Shu road is rugged and the incoming troops cannot fly over it. We should defend ourselves in the dangerous places and wait for the opportunity to send troops." Wang Qian ordered the two to lead 100,000 people to block Lizhou. Liang Rui, the marshal of Zhou's Western Expedition, mobilized troops from Li, Feng, Wen, Qin, and Cheng states and marched straight to Lizhou. On the way, they met the Shu army, which collapsed without waiting for the handover. Yi Fuqian and Da Xijin retreated step by step, and Liang Rui pressed forward step by step. The two had no choice but to secretly send people to Liang Rui's army, offering to be an insider and redeem their previous sins. Liang Rui agreed of course. Yi Fuqian and Da Xijin then returned to Chengdu. Wang Qian did not know the two's true intentions, and thought they were his confidants, so he ordered them to guard the city. He also ordered Da Xijin and Yi Fuqian's sons to be the left and right armies and rushed to fight. When Liang Rui's army arrived, the left and right wings had already rebelled. Wang Qian had only a few dozen riders under his command, and fled back to the city, but saw that the city gates were closed, and Yi Fuqian and Da Xijin stood on the city, saying to Wang Qian in unison: "We have already surrendered to Marshal Liang, please do as you please." It was quite polite. Wang Qian could not enter the city, so he fled to Xindu. County Magistrate Wang Bao pretended to meet him and lured Wang Qian into the city, where he was killed and his head was sent to Chang'an. Liang Rui rushed into Chengdu, captured Gao Anagong and sent him to the pass. Yang Jian cut off Gao Anagong's head and displayed it with Wang Qian's head. It was unexpected that Gao Anagong died at this time. Yang Jian also sent a message to Liang Rui, saying, "Da Xijin and Yi Fuqian were the main plotters, and they should not be spared." Liang Rui beheaded them and left the matter. Several armies were defeated, and the powerful Yang Jian could safely usurp the Zhou Dynasty.