
The French table tennis team defeated Japan 3-2 and won the Olympic men's team bronze medal. Zhang Benzhihe shed tears on the court


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On August 9, 2024, in the men's table tennis team third place battle of the Paris Olympics which just ended Beijing time, the French table tennis team composed of Simon Gauze, Alex Lebrun and Felix Lebrun defeated the Japanese team composed of Zhang Benzhihe, Togami Shunsuke and Shinozuka Daito 3-2 after a fierce confrontation and successfully won the bronze medal of the men's team of the Paris Olympics.

At the beginning of the game, Simon Gauze and Alex Lebrun won the first set 3-1, defeating the combination of Togami Hayasuke and Shinozuka Daito. Then, Felix Lebrun reversed Zhang Benzhihe 3-2 in a tense game. In the third set, Togami Hayasuke defeated Alex Lebrun 3-1 to recover a point for the Japanese team. In the fourth set, Zhang Benzhihe defeated Simon Gauze 3-1. In the end, Felix Lebrun swept Shinozuka Daito 3-1, allowing the French team to defeat the Japanese team 3-2 and successfully win the bronze medal in the men's table tennis team event at the Paris Olympics. During the game, Japanese player Zhang Benzhihe shed tears again on the court, and his dream was shattered again.