
Blue Sky Intelligence: Finding a needle in a haystack in a warehouse with just a few taps


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In 2015, Changsha took the lead in the country by formulating and issuing the Changsha Three-Year Smart Manufacturing Action Plan (2015-2018) to guide and support manufacturing enterprises to move towards smart manufacturing. In the past 10 years, smart manufacturing has penetrated into all aspects of Changsha's manufacturing industry, and robots have gradually taken the "center position" in the production and manufacturing process. Starting today, Changsha Evening News will launch a series of reports titled "Let Robots Take the Center Position". By visiting smart manufacturing companies, you can closely experience the steady improvement of corporate production efficiency and the continuous optimization of the industrial employment structure after the digital, information and intelligent technologies have spread across factories.
Changsha Evening News Omnimedia Reporter Zhu Zehuan Intern Li Chan
Frontline visits
CNC knives are known as industrial teeth and can be used in many fields of industrial production and manufacturing. They are made of many materials and in various shapes. Even professionals may "misjudge" different models of CNC tools. This is also a problem that plagues Hunan Fulandi Tools Co., Ltd., a leading company in the manufacturing tool industry.
"In the past, our inventory accuracy was 80%, but after we built the intelligent three-dimensional warehouse, the accuracy has reached 100%." ​​said Ma Yunfei, head of Fulandi's tool information digitalization center. The company that helped Fulandi complete the "warehousing revolution" was Hunan Blue Sky Intelligent Logistics Equipment Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Blue Sky Intelligent") located in Changsha Economic Development Zone.
With more than ten years of technological accumulation and excellent product quality in the field of industrial intelligent equipment, Blue Sky Intelligence has integrated many typical cases in the fields of e-commerce logistics, equipment manufacturing, new energy, 3C electronics, food and medicine, books and archives, etc., and has established and maintained long-term cooperative relationships with many leading companies in the industry, such as Zoomlion, AVIC, State Grid, BYD, Hitachi, Lenovo, and Muyuan Food, and has won wide trust and recognition.
Millimeter-level positioning of goods entering the warehouse
"Storage location number 3-18-5, outbound delivery in progress..." After the staff scanned the code, accompanied by an intelligent voice prompt, in the Blue Sky intelligent three-dimensional warehouse, the stacker accurately took the required goods from the shelf to the pallet, and then quickly transported them to the shipping point via the transport track. The picking, loading, transportation and presentation were completed in one go, which was a feast for the eyes.
"The transportation speed can reach 6 meters per second." Recently, a relevant person in charge of Blue Sky Intelligence said in an interview with reporters that at such a high speed, the accuracy error of cargo positioning is controlled at the millimeter level.
Blue Sky Intelligent's robots can complete these tasks without errors, thanks to the company's independently developed WMS (intelligent warehouse management system) and WCS (warehouse control system) management software and the high-speed miniload stacker + elevator + AGV combination hardware solution. This solution can meet the agile scheduling of high-intensity intensive tasks, realize unmanned operation of the entire process of storage, storage and distribution of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, and solve the problem of enterprises' warehousing with many categories, large quantities and difficult turnover.
With the help of speed and precision, the efficiency of warehouse space utilization has been further improved. "The space utilization rate has increased from the traditional 30% to 50% to 70% to 90%, and some more scientifically designed three-dimensional warehouses have even exceeded 95%." said a relevant person in charge of Blue Sky Intelligence.
Smart logistics is “armed to the teeth”
If the improvement in speed and accuracy is a substitute for manual work, then the addition of big data and artificial intelligence technology has achieved a comprehensive transcendence of manual work.
"Whenever the warehouse takes inventory, even if multiple warehouse managers are on duty at the same time, it is difficult to count the goods clearly in a short period of time." A relevant person in charge of Blue Sky Intelligence told reporters that the reason is that the inventory in the warehouse changes in real time with the progress of production, which requires warehouse managers to update the "ledger" in time. Once there is an omission, "discrepancy between the accounts and the actual situation" will occur.
These problems can be solved perfectly by robots. In addition, the introduction of artificial intelligence technology allows every change in inventory to be traced, and the goods with high frequency of use are stored nearby, which further improves the efficiency of warehousing and energy saving.
Today, the WMS, WCS and other information systems independently developed by Blue Sky Intelligence are combined with 5G+ industrial Internet to effectively build an enterprise digital ecosystem, helping enterprises to achieve refined management of reducing costs and increasing efficiency.
"The logistics automation market has just begun, and the future is a blue ocean." A relevant person in charge of Blue Sky Intelligence said that the company will insist on technological innovation as the main driver, create cost-effective automated intelligent logistics equipment and high-quality services for customers, and work together to enter a new era of industrial intelligence.
My new identity
Intelligent warehousing system robot
It is composed of intelligent cabinets, robot workstations, and unmanned transport vehicles. It can adapt to various three-dimensional warehousing needs. It does not require human participation in the process of goods entering and leaving the warehouse, and realizes intelligent management of inventory, storage location, warehousing time, inventory, scheduling, etc., reducing the warehousing, outbound and inventory that originally required the participation of multiple people to only one person.
Journalist's Notes
Intelligent manufacturing promotes overall leap in productivity
On the surface, intelligent manufacturing is a process of "machines replacing people", that is, more and more human labor is replaced by machines and equipment.
For example, in the past, warehouse managers not only had to be very familiar with the goods in the warehouse, but also had to understand some knowledge of finance, statistics, etc., and even had to take on the role of forklift drivers in large warehouses. However, as smart warehousing system robots have entered more and more factories, the daily work of warehouse managers has become "scanning codes" and pressing keyboards, and the robots can complete the rest of the work better.
In fact, behind the phenomenon of "machines replacing people", manufacturing companies can free up more costs for product research and development, market development, and create more value, while industrial workers can fully access digital and intelligent production models, thereby improving their personal skills. The improvement of labor quality and the optimization of the labor structure will bring about an overall leap in the level of social productivity.