
"Internet" makes smart medical care move from the cloud to reality


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The Internet makes medical care more convenient.
Using the data platform to treat patients. Photo by our reporter Cheng HuanningOur reporter Cheng Huanning
Appointment registration, online payment, online consultation, report inquiry... These services have become popular in major medical institutions in Yushu.
The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee emphasized that ensuring and improving people's livelihood in the process of development is a major task of China's modernization. How to adhere to the people-centered approach and allow more people to enjoy the fruits of reform? The Health Commission of Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture has given a clear answer with practical measures.
"In the final analysis, the purpose of promoting reform and development is to make people live a better life. Therefore, we have steadily promoted the comprehensive deepening of reform in the field of health and made every effort to create new 'Internet + medical health' service models such as smart clinics, telemedicine, and data connectivity based on the 'Internet +'. We have continuously consolidated the construction of information infrastructure, continuously promoted the development of health and medical big data applications, organized and implemented a series of key projects such as medical and health data platform construction, telemedicine informatization construction, and remote medical education, and continuously improved the informatization service capabilities of public hospitals across the prefecture, effectively promoted the leap from national health informatization to digital health, and allowed people of all ethnic groups to enjoy the convenience and benefits brought by the 'Internet + medical health'." Jin Lian, director of the Yushu Prefecture Health Commission, said.
Break down the "data barriers"
The foundation of the interconnection platform is gradually consolidated
On August 7, Duojie, who lives in Zaduo County, Yushu Prefecture, went to the Yushu People's Hospital for follow-up after tumor surgery. When the doctor opened the medical order issuance page, a pop-up window appeared on the system showing the valid Yushu Prefecture inspection mutual recognition project.
"We learned that the patient had a blood biochemical test at Zaduo County People's Hospital not long ago. Based on the test time, indicators, and reference range, we determined that the results of the last test at another hospital could be used as a reference and would not affect the patient's condition. This time, we only need to test the patient's specific tumor markers." Zhang Jinlong, a Beijing counterpart medical expert in hepatobiliary surgery, said. Duojie then completed the examination and subsequent diagnosis and treatment.
Duojie said: "I thought that all the tests at Laizhou Hospital would have to be repeated. I was scared when I thought about having my blood drawn. I didn't expect that now all the information is connected. Not only did I save a lot of unnecessary repeated tests, but I also saved 346 yuan in fees. It's really great."
In 2023, Yushu Prefecture actively summarized the experience of previous data platform construction, deeply integrated into the Qinghai Province National Population Health Information Platform Construction Plan, and comprehensively optimized and upgraded the medical and health data platform in the prefecture. It achieved data quality verification synchronization, data upload synchronization, and data interconnection and sharing in 3 state-level hospitals, 11 county-level general hospitals and ethnic hospitals, and 50 township health centers. The relevant data have been uploaded to the provincial platform in accordance with the latest data standards of the Qinghai Province National Health Information Platform.
At the same time, relying on Beijing's counterpart support funds and medical reform funds, the comprehensive informationization capabilities of one state-level people's hospital, one state-level women's health center hospital, six state-level Tibetan hospitals, and two county-level people's hospitals have been improved. Referring to the national standards for the construction of informationization of secondary public hospitals and the third-level standards for the application of electronic medical records, the hospital information systems have been comprehensively upgraded and renovated to comprehensively make up for the shortcomings in the informationization of public medical institutions in the state.
"As the public hospital with the largest number of patients and the widest service population in the whole prefecture, we can carry out more than 80 mutual recognition projects for patients every day, and the mutual recognition rate exceeds 92%. This not only saves patients' time and money costs, but also effectively reduces the disorderly waste of medical examination and testing resources. It truly achieves 'letting data run more and making people less worried', and effectively improves service efficiency and reduces service costs." said Liu Yanting, director of Yushu People's Hospital.
As of May 2024, the Yushu Prefecture Medical and Health Data Platform has accessed a total of 1,270,849 patient file records, 1,154,277 outpatient visit records, and 6,310,356 outpatient prescription records... A good pattern of sharing and retrieval of electronic health records, sharing and retrieval of electronic medical records, and mutual communication and sharing of examination and test results has been initially formed within the prefecture.
Create a "fingertip platform"
Medical and health service capabilities have been significantly improved
On July 28, the Remote Diagnosis and Treatment Service Center of Yushu People's Hospital was consulting on the condition and next treatment plan of a patient with swollen and painful knee joints.
The expert connected to the video is Wang Kai, chief physician and director of the Department of Orthopedics at Qinghai Provincial People's Hospital. Wang Kai, together with Zheng Conghua and others from Yushu Prefecture People's Hospital, carefully studied the patient's condition and finally diagnosed the patient with rheumatoid arthritis, and gave guidance on subsequent treatment.
Famous doctors are "sitting in the clinic" at grassroots hospitals across the screen. Even if patients are in remote grassroots health centers, they can consult experts online in real time. The Internet has made medical care in remote areas "accessible by touch screen."
At the beginning of 2023, the Yushu Prefecture Telemedicine Service Center was completed at the Yushu Prefecture People's Hospital. The center is connected to the Qinghai Province Telemedicine Platform at the top and the city-county medical community telemedicine service platform at the bottom, forming a four-level telemedicine service linkage system of "province-city-prefecture-county-grassroots" with the Qinghai Provincial People's Hospital as the center, the Yushu Prefecture People's Hospital as the transit, and the county medical community as the carrier, providing the foundation and guarantee for building a tiered diagnosis and treatment system.
Jin Lian said: "Telemedicine has brought high-quality medical resources from higher-level hospitals down to the grassroots level, greatly improving the service capabilities and diagnosis and treatment levels of public health institutions in Yushu Prefecture, and providing great convenience for the majority of farmers and herdsmen to enjoy high-quality medical resources at their doorsteps."
The benefits of the reform also benefit grassroots medical staff.
Since 2023, Yushu Prefecture has integrated resources and expanded materials on the original Yushu Prefecture telemedicine education platform and Qinghai Province's Tibetan-related telemedicine and distance education platform, setting up a total of 7 education columns, 412 provincial medical education material resources, more than 1,000 video resources, and 327 educational courseware. The content covers 13 aspects including medical ethics, common diseases, and appropriate Tibetan medicine technologies, providing a comprehensive, high-quality and systematic learning platform for professional health technicians, general practitioners, clinicians and village clinic staff throughout the prefecture.
"In the past, to learn some high-quality medical and health service technologies, we needed to undergo full-time intensive study or go to higher-level medical departments for apprenticeship according to the arrangements of higher-level departments. Now, we can use the 'fragmented' time after work for remote learning, which can not only improve our professional capabilities, but also better serve the grassroots people." said Cai Renbasang, a general practitioner at the Central Hospital of Xiewu Town, Chengduo County, Yushu Prefecture.
Build a solid "full line of defense"
Network information security protection efforts remain unchanged
Informatization has brought more convenience to people's medical treatment, but there are also certain risks. For example, personal information including disease data and other private information may be leaked.
"In addition to emphasizing the provision of good services, we also focus on how to further strengthen network and data security and enhance the protection and prevention of leakage of medical and health data," said Long Zhou, deputy director of the Yushu Prefecture Health Commission.
As Long Zhou said, Yushu Prefecture adheres to the "intensive" construction idea, fully utilizes the resources of the medical and health data center in the prefecture, and strengthens the network security construction of medical and health institutions in the prefecture in accordance with the third-level network security protection standard. At the same time, it continuously strengthens the data security management of various medical institutions, and implements full life cycle security management of data generation, transmission, storage, use, sharing, and destruction in accordance with laws and regulations, improving data security protection capabilities and personal privacy protection.
"Whenever I go to the hospital for treatment or check my personal health information through the online platform, I can feel the changes in the system in terms of information security protection. It not only strengthens the recognition of personal identity information, but also provides a lot of knowledge about popularizing network security prevention. These efforts not only provide us with a safer and more reliable medical service environment, allowing me to use medical services with greater peace of mind, but also make us full of confidence and expectations for the future digital life." said Duojia, a citizen of Yushu.
In actual work, medical institutions at all levels in Yushu Prefecture always adhere to the principle of "patients are informed and authorized to access". When doctors need to access the patient's examination and test results or other relevant electronic medical record information, the system will automatically send an authorization access code to the patient's reserved mobile phone number. Patients can also authorize access by scanning the dynamic consultation code to confirm the doctor's authorization. After the doctor completes the diagnosis and treatment process and closes the information diagnosis and treatment window, the authorized access ends. The patient needs to authorize again to view it again.
As of now, the information systems of the Yushu Prefecture medical and health data platform, three prefecture-level hospitals, three county-level hospitals, five county-level Tibetan hospitals and 50 township health centers have passed the cybersecurity level-3 assessment. The remaining two county-level hospitals (Chengduo County and Qumarlei County) will complete network security transformation and construction to meet the level-3 standard as part of this year's hospital information technology capacity improvement project.
Qinghai Daily (August 10, 2024, Page 3: News)
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