
Foreign media: Reciprocal response! Brazil decides to expel Nicaraguan ambassador to Brazil


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China News Service, August 9. According to reports from the Associated Press and Reuters, on August 8 local time, the Brazilian government decided to expel the Nicaraguan ambassador to the country in "retaliation" for the "similar actions" recently taken by the Nicaraguan government against the Brazilian ambassador to Nicaragua.

According to reports, the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that it had decided to expel Nicaraguan Ambassador to the country, Matú, and said that "this is a reciprocal response to the measures taken by the Nicaraguan government against Brazilian Ambassador to Nicaragua Da Costa." The statement also said that the country's ambassador to Nicaragua has left Nicaragua.

According to the Brazilian National News Agency, the Nicaraguan government decided to expel the Brazilian ambassador to Nicaragua because Brazil did not send anyone to attend the 45th anniversary celebration of the Sandinista Revolution held in Managua, the capital of Nicaragua on July 19, and relations between the two countries began to deteriorate.

Nicaragua's government said in a statement that its ambassador to Brazil and Brazil's ambassador to Nicaragua had left their posts, but did not mention their expulsion or give details.

Nicaraguan Vice President Murillo later confirmed that the Brazilian ambassador to Nicaragua had left Managua earlier on the 8th, and that the country's ambassador to Brazil would serve in the Nicaraguan Ministry of Economy after returning home.

Source: China News Network
