
Revealed: 6 behaviors of parents that cause invisible harm to baby’s concentration!


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Dear parents, do you often feel that your baby's attention is stolen by some mysterious force? In fact, sometimes the "culprit" that destroys the baby's attention may be hidden in our daily behavior! Today, let's talk about the 6 major parental behaviors that may quietly affect the baby's attention!

Behavior 1: Frequent interruptions

Imagine that when you are concentrating on reading or working, someone suddenly interrupts you frequently. Isn't it super annoying? The same is true for babies! Their little brains are trying to build the ability to concentrate, but our "enthusiastic" interruptions, such as "Baby, look at this!" "Baby, do you want to eat this?" may really destroy their efforts!

Behavior 2: Overprotection

"Baby, this is dangerous!" "Baby, don't touch that!" Although our original intention is to protect the baby, overprotection will actually limit their desire to explore, making them timid and unable to concentrate when facing new things.

**Behavior 3: Giving too many toys at once**

"Oh, the baby likes this, buy him this!" "The baby also likes that, buy him that!" More toys does not mean better play! If you give your baby too many toys at once, they may be overwhelmed by too many choices and unable to concentrate on playing with any one of them.