
How to register a travel agency in Beijing? What are the conditions and procedures?


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Travel agencies are now divided into two types: domestic travel agencies and outbound travel agencies. Domestic travel agencies can carry out domestic tourism and inbound tourism business activities after obtaining business licenses. If you want to operate outbound tourism business, a domestic travel agency must have been operating for two years without complaints or penalties before it can apply to operate outbound tourism business. However, there have been no new outbound travel agencies approved since 2019. If you want to operate outbound tourism, you can join or make equity changes to collect travel agencies that do not operate outbound tourism and have capital.

Registration process for Beijing travel agencies:

1. Determine the company name, which is composed of region + name + industry + organizational form. The name should contain words such as "tourism" or "travel agency";

2. Employ no less than three tour guides with relevant qualifications;

3. Decoration and layout of commercial office rental

4. Apply for a business license from the industrial and commercial administration department. The business scope should include "domestic tourism business" and "inbound tourism business";