
Yunyan District strengthens hotel price supervision to create a good accommodation consumption environment


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With the arrival of the summer resort season, the number of tourists visiting Zhu has increased and the demand for hotels has increased. In order to create a good accommodation consumption environment, maintain the price order of the accommodation industry and the legitimate rights and interests of tourists, since August, the Yunyang District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has taken multiple measures to strengthen hotel price supervision.

Yunyan District organized a price reminder meeting for hotel operators in the area

"Recently, we have organized three price warning meetings for the operators of hotels and homestays in the area, and issued more than 200 copies of the "Price Reminder Warning" on site." A relevant person in charge of the Yunyan District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau said that the District Market Supervision Bureau requires hotels and homestay operators to strictly implement the regulations on clear price marking, standardize the content of clear price marking, and make the public disclosure of hotel promotion, room prices, room facilities, value-added services, etc., so that the categories are complete and the prices are true and clear. At the same time, the hotel and homestay operators are warned to strictly abide by the "Price Law of the People's Republic of China", "Administrative Penalties for Price Violations" and "Regulations on Clear Price Marking and Prohibition of Price Fraud" and other laws, regulations and policy provisions, and urge hotel operators to strictly abide by price self-discipline during the summer season.