
How high is the official title of Han Shou Ting Hou that Guan Yu cherishes it so much? He is on par with Cao Cao


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How high is the official title of Han Shou Ting Hou that Guan Yu cherishes it so much? He is on par with Cao Cao

In fact, when Liu Bei, Cao Cao and others were in a meeting, Cao Cao and Sun Quan sat, while Liu Bei and Guan Yu could only stand beside them. Because Sun Quan inherited his brother Sun Ce's title of Marquis of Wu, and was officially conferred the title of Marquis of County by the court, and later the court changed Sun Quan's title to Marquis of Nanchang. In other words, Sun Quan was two levels higher than Liu Bei.

Under the same level, real power and real position + title = can speak and pick up chopsticks first when sitting at the table to eat, real power and real position = can speak when sitting at the table to eat, title = no power and nominal position = sit down to eat when there is an empty seat, eat with the food if there is no empty seat, it is easy to be interrupted when speaking, no one agrees with you, you make yourself boring, you have to look at people's faces when picking up food and drinking, you look prominent, but you know the cold and warmth yourself.

Tinghou is the lowest rank of marquis. I remember that Wuhou before Sun Quan was crowned king was county marquis. There was a township marquis between Guan Yu and others, that is, Zhuge Liang. Guan Yu cherished Shoutinghou because, although it was conferred by Cao Cao, it was a genuine and orthodox title of the Han Dynasty. In addition, the pinnacle of the marquis of the Han Dynasty was Wanhuhou, which was held by Wei Qing and Huo Qubing.

However, being a marquis was already great. In the Han Dynasty, being a marquis was the dream of all military generals. The Liu family was reluctant to give a marquis to a meritorious general. It was difficult for Li Guang to be given a marquis. Li Guang's ability was unparalleled in the world, but he was never given a marquis in his lifetime. Zhao Yun was the same as Guan Yu. He had countless merits, but he was never given a marquis until his death. He was posthumously given a marquis. Guan Yu's marquis status was conferred by Emperor Xian of Han, which was more prominent than the marquis status conferred by Liu Bei on Zhang Fei.