
Can't bear it? The US military arms dealer "admitted his mistake"! Biden's plan failed, and China had already expected it


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According to Beijing Youth Daily, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning hosted a regular press conference. A Phoenix TV reporter asked, "There are recent reports that the US company ViaSat, which was previously sanctioned by China, is seeking to conduct business cooperation with relevant Chinese companies. What is the spokesperson's comment on this?" Mao Ning said that China has decided to cancel its countermeasures against ViaSat in accordance with relevant laws such as the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law and in view of changes in the circumstances on which the countermeasures were taken."

The reason why this American company was previously sanctioned was because it had interfered in China's internal affairs, participated in arms sales to Taiwan, and provided radio systems to the Taiwan military. Therefore, China included it in the relevant sanctions list. However, now we have decided to lift the sanctions on the company, and this decision has attracted widespread attention. Everyone is generally curious about why the sanctions on this American company are being lifted. The response of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is more official, but we can briefly explain the meaning of the sentence "in view of the change in the circumstances based on which the countermeasures were taken." In fact, the meaning of this sentence is very clear, that is, the American company has made corrections or taken compensatory measures.

As we all know, the United States has long been exporting weapons and equipment to Taiwan for two purposes: one is to interfere in the Taiwan issue in this way, and the other is to export weapons and equipment to Taiwan at extremely high prices, so that American arms dealers can make huge profits. For the United States, exporting weapons and equipment to Taiwan is undoubtedly a "twice the result with half the effort" strategy. However, the United States' export of weapons and equipment to Taiwan has seriously interfered in China's internal affairs and undermined the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait region. China will certainly not sit idly by. After repeated stern warnings were ineffective, China began to take severe measures against relevant American arms manufacturers in 2023.