
Revenge on Israel has not yet begun, but a quarrel has broken out in Iran, with the new president slamming the table and challenging Khamenei


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The assassination of Hamas leader Haniyeh has ushered in a new phase in the Palestinian-Israeli situation. Iran, which was slapped in the face, is gearing up to seek revenge on Israel.While the outside world was speculating whether Iran would simply go through the motions as it did in its response to the embassy bombing, a quarrel broke out within Iran. The differences between Iran's new president Pezhichyan and Khamenei became increasingly serious.

Since Iran announced its intention to retaliate against Israel, it first held a meeting with its allies, including Hamas and the Houthis, and then conducted frequent drills in the country, occasionally launching missiles. Egypt recently issued a new notice requiring its flights to avoid flying over Iranian airspace during a specific period of time, precisely because Iran was going to conduct military exercises.

Seeing the increasingly tense relationship between the "Arc of Resistance" led by Iran and Israel, the United States and Russia, as allies of Israel and Iran respectively, have also hurriedly urged both sides to remain calm and restrained to avoid a real war in the Middle East. Needless to say, Netanyahu and Biden are not satisfied with each other in Israel, and Netanyahu insists on a tough stance. On the Iranian side, something seems to be wrong.

[Iran’s new president Pezerhizzian]