
Curry's superb performance drew praise from the whole United States. James exclaimed: He saved me and the US men's basketball team


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It was Curry who saved the US men's basketball team! James expressed his excitement after the game! Stephen Curry's performance against the Serbian men's basketball team really attracted praise from fans all over the world, especially from the American media.

In this game, Curry scored 36 points and 8 rebounds. At the beginning of the game, Stephen Curry scored 17 points in the first quarter alone. His superb personal performance made the Serbian men's basketball team scalp numb. In the fourth quarter, when the US men's basketball team was still two points behind, it was Curry who stood up and shot a three-pointer, which helped the US men's basketball team to overtake and finally reverse the opponent by 11 points.

LeBron James said in an interview that there is no doubt that Stephen Curry saved me and the US men's basketball team on this night. He is the hero of the US men's basketball team. Without him, we would not have won such a crucial game. Without him, perhaps all of us would be surrounded by thousands of people now. Therefore, I can tell you clearly that it was Curry who saved us.