
International testing agency says U.S. media reports led to additional testing of Chinese swimming team


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This article is transferred from [Yuyuan Tantian Weibo];

[International Testing Agency says US media reports led to additional testing on China] On August 9, the International Testing Agency (ITA) confirmed in response to Tan Zhu's interview request that it was indeed the media reports on the Chinese swimming team that led to additional testing of the Chinese swimming team before the Olympics.

The International Testing Agency (ITA) has the right to test Chinese athletes on behalf of the World Swimming Association and the International Olympic Committee. According to public data, since the beginning of this year, 31 Chinese swimmers have received an average of 21 tests from various anti-doping organizations, while American swimmers have only received an average of 6 tests.

However, the high frequency of testing has also become a reason for further hype by the US media. The US media published an article saying that "frequent doping tests and suspicions cast a shadow on the Chinese Olympic swimming team" and tried to ask the official agency why the Chinese swimming team had to undergo the most testing, but received no response.

First, they published a report to smear China, causing Chinese athletes to undergo additional testing, and then they tried to ask "why did the Chinese team undergo the most testing?" How long will the United States continue to play the trick of crying thief?