
Young people start to "upgrade from undergraduate to technical school": in order to find a job, undergraduates return to technical school after graduation


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In the past, we had only heard of "junior college to undergraduate", but now the situation is reversed. Many people are keen on "bachelor's degree to junior college", that is, after graduating from undergraduate school, they go back to vocational school just to get a job as soon as possible.

People suddenly discovered the benefits of junior colleges. For example, they could learn a technology or craft; some wanted to enter the state-owned enterprise order classes set up by junior colleges, or to enter the police academy so that they could have a job after graduation. There were even cases where students with high college entrance examination scores gave up the double first-class universities and chose the police academy for employment.

The saying “from undergraduate to junior college” is half joking and half serious, but it is indeed a phenomenon that cannot be ignored.

Given the current employment situation, young people no longer dare to have more extravagant expectations. How has everyone's pursuit of academic qualifications changed? How is this related to changes in the social environment?


“Upgrading from undergraduate to associate degree program” is no joke

In January this year, Southern Weekend reported on the phenomenon of undergraduates going to vocational schools to learn technology and skills.

A teacher from Guangdong Lingnan Vocational and Technical College said that more than 150 undergraduate students have been enrolled in the past two years, mainly to obtain certificates in psychological counseling, nutrition and health management through training.

A teacher from Chengdu New Oriental Cooking School mentioned in the report that among the students who learned Sichuan cuisine from him,Thirty percent have a bachelor's degree or above.

Qingdao Technician College started to set up the "College Technician Class" in 2009, recruiting students with college and bachelor's degrees.Almost one-third of the students in the college technician class are undergraduates.

College students are much more receptive to "upgrading from undergraduate to technical secondary school" than expected. According to a survey of college graduates by, more than half of undergraduate graduates believe that it is a reasonable choice for some undergraduates to choose to return to technical secondary schools because "the market has a great demand for professional skills and there are more job opportunities."

Discussions about "undergraduate to junior college" have also spread on social media. A blogger posted in May this year that his undergraduate major was too bad and he had no hope of finding a job after graduation. He wanted to go to junior college to change his major, but he didn't know how to do it, whether he needed to cancel his undergraduate status, etc. This post attracted more than 2,000 comments.

Some comments support the choice of going back to college. They think,Under the current employment situation, it is not certain that you will be able to get a job even if you take the postgraduate entrance examination after graduating from undergraduate school. It is better to go directly to some technical colleges that can guarantee employment.Some even commented that someone around them did just that - "After graduating from a double first-class university, they went to a junior college, and after graduation they were assigned to work in the subway. The benefits were good, and the working hours were fixed. Undergraduates should be thankful to find such a job on their own."

As for those who want to go to junior college to learn technology, many comments say it is not worth it. Some students who are studying in junior colleges say that the technology they learn in junior colleges is very poor and most of their classmates will not work in their majors in the future.


The employment rate of junior colleges is higher than that of ordinary colleges.

Nowadays, the employment rate of junior colleges is higher than that of ordinary colleges.According to the latest 2024 "University Student Employment Survey Report" released by, the chance of junior college graduates getting an offer is 56.3%, only slightly lower than the 57% of graduates from double first-class universities. The offer rate of junior college graduates is more than 10% higher than that of ordinary first- and second-class universities, and the gap is more obvious than last year.

Judging from the chance of receiving an interview each time a resume is submitted, junior college students are second only to graduates from double first-class universities, and higher than ordinary first- and second-class undergraduates.

Additionally, some specialties offer a more certain future.

This year, the college entrance examination attracted many high-scoring candidates to the police academy. For example, the True Story Project interviewed a candidate from Zhejiang Province who scored 635 points in the college entrance examination and was admitted to Zhejiang Police Vocational College, a college in the province.

A score of 635 is enough to be admitted to Hangzhou Dianzi University and Ningbo University within the province; outside the province, you can even study at 211 universities such as Northeast Normal University and Southwest Jiaotong University.

The reason why I chose to study at the police academy is that last year, among the graduates of police majors in Zhejiang, the rate of Zhejiang natives joining the police force was as high as 95%. In other words, after graduating from a junior college in three years, most people can get a regular job.

Of course, the salary level of junior college graduates is still not as good as that of undergraduates. According to MyCOS's "2024 China Vocational College Employment Report" and "Undergraduate Employment Report", in 2023, the average monthly income of vocational college graduates six months after graduation is 4,683 yuan, the average monthly income of local undergraduate college graduates six months after graduation is 5,763 yuan, and the average monthly income of double first-class college graduates is 7,486 yuan.

However, considering the current employment environment, especially for graduates from ordinary schools and non-popular majors, it is more important to find a job than to find a good job. The survey results of Liepin Big Data Research Institute show thatAmong the 2024 graduates, as many as 61% agreed that "if they don't find a job they like, they will choose a blue-collar job."


Young people looking for work

No longer pursuing higher education

The trend is that as employment becomes generally more difficult, fewer and fewer people are pursuing prestigious schools and higher education.In 2024, the number of people registering for the postgraduate entrance examination decreased for the first time since 2015.

In the field of vocational education, fewer people choose to upgrade from junior college to university.

In 2024, in some provinces that have announced the number of junior college students taking the exam, the number of junior college students who took the exam has generally decreased by more than 10% this year. In Jiangsu, where there were 120,000 applicants last year, the number of applicants this year has dropped by 13%, to only 104,000.

The motivation to pursue higher education is getting smaller and smaller, also because it is not of much help when looking for a job.

The salary advantage of undergraduates has declined. In a report by The Paper this year, the annual income of graduates with different academic qualifications within three years of graduation and the national per capita disposable income were compared through data analysis of the 2010 and 2020 China Family Tracking Surveys. It was found that the salary index of undergraduate graduates has declined most significantly over the past 10 years. From nearly 2 times the per capita income in 2010, it has dropped to 1.33 times in 2020, only slightly higher than the per capita disposable income.

In addition, in the 2020 "China Family Tracking Survey", as many as 50.6% of workers with a bachelor's degree believed that their jobs did not require a bachelor's degree and that they were over-educated. This proportion was much higher than that of workers with a college or vocational high school degree.

Another reason is that many employers now place more emphasis on the first degree. According to the 2024 Employment Report of Vocational College Students in China, there is almost no difference in income between students who have upgraded from junior college to undergraduate and ordinary vocational college graduates. In the workplace, vocational college graduates who have upgraded their academic qualifications have an average monthly income of 6,883 yuan after three years of work, while those who have not upgraded their academic qualifications have an average monthly income of 6,876 yuan, a very small difference.

In short, this is no longer the era where the higher the education level, the easier it is to find a job.

Young people have come to terms with it, either they can get a job after graduation or they have some skills. Since getting ashore is the ultimate goal, they should choose the nearest ferry.(Source: Tencent News)

Author: Heather

Design | Dysfunction

Editor | Hao Ku

Produced by Tencent News Guyu Studio

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