
The "purchase instead of construction" model has been added to another city, and the real estate sector continued to lead the A-share market in the afternoon


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In the afternoon of August 9, real estate (Shenwan I) continued to lead the A-share market, rising by more than 2% in the afternoon. Real estate services, real estate development, decoration and building materials and other sub-sectors performed actively. In terms of ETFs, the real estate ETF fund (515060) followed the index to rise. Among the holdings, Savills, Rhine Sports, Gemdale Group, SDG Services, Nan Guo Real Estate, and Shenzhen Property A ranked among the top gainers.

On the news front, the National Bureau of Statistics announced this morning that the CPI rose 0.5% year-on-year in July, higher than the market expectation of 0.3%, and the increase was 0.3 percentage points higher than the 0.2% in June, which may reflect the continued recovery of consumer demand to some extent. In addition, among the series of policies launched across the country to boost the real estate market, the "purchase and storage of commercial housing" model has been implemented. After Guangzhou Zengcheng publicly solicited commercial housing as resettlement housing for railway projects in May, Shenzhen Anju Group recently announced that it would purchase commercial housing for use as affordable housing. Industry insiders believe that first-tier cities have started the "purchase instead of construction" model, and it is expected that Beijing and Shanghai will follow suit.

Xiangcai Securities believes that the 0730 important meeting once again emphasized destocking and purchasing existing houses for use as affordable housing, and relevant policies will be implemented faster to further support the recovery of market demand. At the current stage, it is recommended to pay attention to the top quality real estate companies with strong financing capabilities, strong land acquisition capabilities, and reasonable land reserve layout, and maintain the "overweight" rating for the real estate industry.

Public information shows that the CSI All-Share Real Estate Index tracked by the Real Estate ETF Fund (515060) includes real estate leaders such as Vanke, Poly Developments, and China Merchants Shekou, and has a comprehensive layout in real estate development, management, services and other industries.

Daily Economic News
