
Hubei WeChat Top 100 in July: 9 accounts saw an increase in total number of readers exceeding 100,000


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Zheng Xinyi, public opinion data analyst at (Hubei Daily Online)
On August 9, the Hubei City and Prefecture WeChat Rankings for July 2024, produced by (Hubei Daily Online) and Chutian Public Opinion Data Research Institute, were released. "Wuhan Release", "Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism" and "Yichang Release" ranked the top three. This month, a total of 9 accounts had an increase of more than 100,000 readings. "Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism" increased by 710,000, ranking first in this category; "Jingzhou Release" ranked second with 530,000 readings; "Wuhan Release" ranked third with an increase of 390,000 readings compared to the previous month.
From the perspective of the WCI index, the WCI index of 50% of the accounts maintained an upward trend this month, with a total of 56 accounts showing positive growth, 9 fewer than last month, and 6 accounts with WCI increments exceeding 100, 6 fewer than last period, of which the WCI increment of "Wuhan Housing Provident Fund" reached 264.06. Among the top ten accounts in the WCI index, 8 accounts exceeded 1,000, and the number remained the same as last period, namely "Wuhan Release", "Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism", "Yichang Release", "Jingzhou Release", "Huangshi Release", "Enshi Release", "Shiyan Release", and "Wuhan Traffic Police". Compared with last month, among the top nine accounts, only "Huangshi Release" and "Jingzhou Release" swapped positions, and the rankings of the other accounts remained unchanged; the tenth account changed significantly, with "Safe Wuhan" falling to 14th place in the previous period, and this month "Wuhan Federation of Trade Unions" moved up 3 places to rank tenth.
From the perspective of the total number of articles published, 60% of the accounts have increased the number of articles published, 67 accounts have positive growth, an increase of 34 from the previous period, and 7 accounts have remained unchanged. There are 17 accounts with a total of more than 100 articles, 1 less than last month, of which 4 accounts have a total of more than 200 articles. "Xianning Release" ranks first in two single items with a total of 234 articles and a total increase of 43 articles. The remaining accounts are "Jingzhou Release" with 220 articles, "Huangshi Release" with 215 articles, and "Wuhan Release" with 207 articles. In addition, the number of posts of 60% of the accounts has rebounded, and the number of posts of 69 accounts has increased, an increase of 41 from last month; 7 accounts have posted more than 100 times, an increase of 1 from last month.
In terms of the total number of readings, 60% of the accounts have increased their readings, and 60 accounts have positive growth, which is 4 less than the previous period. Among them, "Wuhan Release" ranked first with a total of 6.64 million+ readings, an increase of 390,000 from the previous month; "Yichang Release" ranked second with a total of 2.92 million+ readings, an increase of 150,000 from the previous month; "Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism" ranked third with a total of 2.48 million+ readings, an increase of 710,000 from the previous month. In terms of the increase in the number of readings, "Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism" and "Wuhan Release" ranked first and third respectively; "Jingzhou Release", which ranked second in terms of increase, increased its readings by 530,000; "Wuhan Federation of Trade Unions", "Huanggang Municipal Education Bureau", "Youth Wuhan", "Wuhan Science and Technology Museum", "Yichang Release", and "Wuhan Housing Provident Fund" all increased their readings by more than 100,000. In this issue, there are 16 articles with a reading volume of over 100,000, 6 more than the previous issue, including 7 articles from "Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism", 5 articles from "Wuhan Release", 2 articles from "Wuhan Traffic Police", and 1 article each from "Enshi Release" and "Huanggang Municipal Education Bureau".
5 accounts took the top 30 original articles
From the original article rankings, the articles on the list this time come from 5 accounts. "Jingzhou Release" is on the list again after a month, and the other accounts are "Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism", "Wuhan Traffic Police", "Wuhan Art Museum" and "Safe Xiantao". Among the TOP30 original hot articles in this issue, "Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism" has 19 articles, 8 more than the previous issue; "Wuhan Traffic Police" has 5 articles, 2 fewer than last month; "Wuhan Art Museum" has 4 articles; "Safe Xiantao" and "Jingzhou Release" have 1 article each. There are 6 original popular articles with a reading volume of "100,000+", among which "Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism" published "The visibility is amazing! In Wuhan, you can see Xianning at a glance!" "Wuhan, your wall is here!" "Wuhan's top snack street that doesn't take a holiday, do you understand it?" The top three, "Wuhan's first floating cinema on the water, in East Lake!" ranked fifth; "Wuhan Traffic Police"'s "Your vehicle has been photographed @鄂AW2**R,鄂ADH1**2..." "Overdue! Hurry up and watch! 》ranked fourth and sixth respectively.
Judging from the attention of tweets, flood prevention and control, and the end of plum rain and the beginning of dog days have become hot topics in July. With the arrival of summer vacation, many new places have been added for tourists to check in and take their children out to escape the heat. The cultural and tourism departments have vigorously promoted and promoted them, and the traffic management departments have continued to combine convenient announcements with knowledge popularization. The "Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism" released "Wuhan, your wall is here!" "Do you understand the top snack street in Wuhan that does not have holidays?" "Wuhan's first floating theater on the water is in East Lake!" "New sunset camp on the river beach, limited to 10 days, free to play!" "Too beautiful! East Lake, new 12-meter-high lanterns" "World-class unique skills, the last 4 shows this month, please watch!" and many other articles introduced the summer food, drink and fun guide in Jiangcheng, "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs praised, "Cyber ​​Wuhan" has gone viral, how do foreigners travel in Wuhan? "Following the current hotspots, foreigners who have lived in Wuhan for a long time recommend the best routes for Wuhan Travel; "Nearly a thousand people watched at 5 a.m., Wuhan's top summer! 》The camera is focused on the "Century Morning Glow" at Lingbo Gate of East Lake, sharing the romantic sunrise with readers; "It's so hot? Here comes a cool place to escape the heat, enjoy a 21℃ summer!" Recommends cool check-in spots for summer vacation and scenery viewing in Yichang; "Continuous high temperatures are coming! Will Wuhan be very hot this year? " "Today, the water level of the Yangtze River has reached the top 10 in history. Will it continue to rise? " Actively respond to people's livelihood concerns, popularize science, guide, and recommend "three-in-one" to remind citizens to prevent heatstroke and cool down.
"Wuhan Traffic Police" published "Your vehicle has been photographed @鄂AW2**R,鄂ADH1**2..." "@鄂A14**9,鄂W59**7..." Severe punishment! ", once again exposing traffic violations, and sorting out the "TOP3" most frequently reported violations in the "Traffic Violations Snap" since 2024. The first one is the violation of "crossing the solid line", the second one is the violation of "driving in the opposite direction", and the third one is the violation of "occupying the emergency lane of the highway". Typical cases are used to remind drivers to learn from them and travel in a civilized manner; "@鄂AE798,鄂AA792..." Announcement is invalid" "Expired! Check it out quickly! "Starting this week, you can apply online→" focuses on the handling of driver's licenses and vehicle registration certificates, reminding drivers to reissue and replace them in time, and providing citizens with detailed operating steps for applying for "electronic vehicle registration certificates", making it more convenient for the public to do things.
"Wuhan Art Museum" released "New Works at Wuhan Art Museum This Saturday!" and "New Exhibition at Wuhan Art Museum, Written in the Hearts of Wuhan People!", successively promoting "River Water Plenty - Xu Benyi Calligraphy Research Exhibition", which not only tells the origin of calligraphers and Wuhan, the artistic value behind the ink-splashing, but also introduces the interactive experience installations of the exhibition to enrich the viewing experience of citizens and friends; "Wuhan is so popular, come to the art museum to take blockbuster photos!" presents the excellent niche check-in camera positions of Hankou Pavilion and Qintai Pavilion, inviting readers to come to the art museum to experience the other side of Wuhan people's ease and calmness in summer. "Jingzhou Release"'s "This is a "big deal" in Jingzhou!" focuses on Jingzhou's flood prevention measures in the past three months. The grassroots party members, cadres and masses of the city, and all counties, cities and districts have worked together and taken positive actions to jointly win the "defense war" against floods; "Safe Xiantao" released "A "Big Mac" convoy has arrived in Xiantao! ”, focusing on the traffic management departments cooperating to escort three oversized transport vehicles across Xiantao. The “super-sized” convoy loaded with wind turbine blades traveled 30 kilometers, took 8 hours, and arrived safely at the construction site in Hehe Town.
Figure: Hubei cities and prefectures WeChat ranking TOP100
Figure: Top 30 original articles from cities and prefectures in Hubei
Ranking Rules:
1. Gather the WeChat public accounts of the main party and government agencies in Hubei Province, and scientifically rank them according to the WCI index data, mainly evaluating them from four dimensions: "overall communication power", "average communication power per article", "headline communication power" and "peak communication power".
2. The sample range and quantity will be fine-tuned every month based on actual conditions. The operation departments or persons in charge of Hubei Provincial Government New Media are welcome to recommend themselves and join the ranking list. Contact number: 027-88567710.
3. While continuing to publish the Hubei government WeChat rankings, the Chutian Public Opinion Data Research Institute will also select outstanding government WeChat operation teams in the province for interviews.
4. The “Hubei Government Affairs New Media” WeChat group launched the “Government Affairs WeChat Operation Mini Classroom” to share the operation experience and practical knowledge of government affairs WeChat.