
Takeaway packaging bags are hurting people again! Can you please stop using these things to seal them?


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"The stapler cut a long bloody line on my hand." Mr. Wang, a citizen, reported that he was scratched by a takeaway bag. Recently, complaints about the sealing method of food takeaway bags have appeared from time to time.

A few days ago, Mr. Wang ordered a takeaway, and the packaging was a square paper bag. He pulled the two ends of the paper bag open, and Mr. Wang reached in to take the lunch box. Unexpectedly, he suddenly felt a pain on his arm. He pulled his hand back and saw that his arm was cut by a sharp object and there was a bloody wound.

It turns out that the mouth of the takeaway bag is sealed with staples. As the mouth of the bag is torn open, the staples are also deformed. The two tips are no longer inward, but are pulled into a "凵" shape, as if the mouth of the bag suddenly grew "fangs". The tips of the staples are very small and difficult to detect. Whether you are reaching for the lunch box or putting the lunch box back into the bag after a meal, you can easily be scratched by the staples.

After sorting out the complaints from citizens, there are many related problems recently. Some citizens said that many takeaway packaging bags have been improved now, and the bag openings are originally sealed with double-sided tape, but some merchants still staple the seals again, which is very laborious to tear, and the staples are easy to prick your hands. Another citizen reported that when he tore open the takeaway packaging bag, the staples flew off, and he was too busy to pay attention at the time, and only realized the problem later when he was pricked by the staples "hidden" in the carpet.

As early as 2022, citizens called on the competent departments of the catering industry through this platform to put forward requirements as soon as possible to prohibit the use of staples to seal takeout packaging bags. In April of that year, the "Regulations on Catering Safety Management of Online Catering Services" was officially implemented, and one of the requirements attracted much attention-delivered food should be packaged with seals or disposable packaging bags that cannot be restored after opening. With this requirement, the number of tampering with food during delivery has been greatly reduced. But to this day, many businesses still have misunderstandings about this requirement.

Citizens lamented that tampering with takeaway packaging bags is easy to detect, and what is needed is a seal that breaks easily, rather than staples that are difficult to tear and can hurt hands.

Source: Beijing Daily Client

Reporter: Jing Yiming
