
Sad news! The former general manager of a trillion-dollar central enterprise died of a sudden illness at the age of 69


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From the official microblog of Securities Times

Qiao Shibo, former director and general manager of China Resources Group, passed away.

On August 8, China Resources Group published an obituary on its official website, stating that Qiao Shibo, former director and general manager of China Resources Group, died of a sudden illness on August 5, 2024 at the age of 69. A farewell ceremony for the body will be held at 9 a.m. on August 11, 2024 in the No. 1 Farewell Hall of Shenzhen Funeral Home.

According to the official website of China Resources, Qiao Shibo holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Jilin University. He joined China Resources Group in 1992 and was appointed as a director of China Resources Group in April 1999. He is currently the Managing Director of China Resources Group and the General Manager of China Resources Corporation, Chairman and Executive Director of China Resources Enterprise. He is also the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vanke Co., Ltd.

According to information, Qiao Shibo was born in 1954 in Liaoning Province. He served as director of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (now the Ministry of Commerce), deputy general manager and general manager of the Human Resources Department of China Resources (Group) Co., Ltd., and general manager and chairman of China Resources Petrochemical (Group) Co., Ltd. During his time at China Resources, Qiao Shibo was in charge of several companies under China Resources Group. In 2008, Qiao Shibo served as director and general manager of China Resources (Group) Co., Ltd.

Editor: Peng Bo

Proofread by: Wang Chaoquan