
I saw the same and different Xu Zheng in "Reverse Life"


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When you are forty, you are a graduate of a prestigious university, a backbone of a company, a successful person in the eyes of outsiders, and the pride of your whole family.

You thought your life would always be so smooth.

Until one day, you took the subway to work as usual and ordered an iced Americano at your workstation.

The iced Americano hasn't arrived yet, but you've been called to your boss' office.

You are optimized.

You lose your job and are no longer considered an elite or a key figure, but you are still a father, a husband, and a son.

You have to pay the mortgage, send your daughter to an international primary school, and pay your father's high medical expenses. All the responsibilities are turned into numbers, weighing heavily on your shoulders.

You hid it from your family and secretly looked for a job for two months, but to no avail.

The experiences and achievements that you were proud of in the past have now become minus points in the job market.

What should you do?

After six years, Xu Zheng returns to the summer season with his new work "Reverse Life".

"Reverse Life" is still a realistic theme, and this time, the male protagonist is an older programmer - a middle-aged man who suddenly lost his job and decided to start over and become a delivery man.

After watching the movie, our first impression of it is that it is solid.

It is true that realistic works need to be solid, otherwise they will lose their foundation. The completion of "Reverse Life" is worthy of recognition, which also shows that Xu Zheng's skills are still there.

The opening of the film is very concise and uses a very high narrative efficiency to let us see the choice that the male protagonist Gao Zhilei has to make.

From a high-spirited middle manager of a company and a "little pride" in the eyes of his family, to a marginalized and unpopular person in the job market, Gao Zhilei's huge life changes only took about ten minutes of the movie.

Before watching the movie, many people may think that this span is too big, just like us. But after watching the movie, you will find that this process is described very realistically.

Gao Zhilei has experienced a series of crises, including unemployment, illness, mortgage... These are indeed what a person may face when he reaches middle age.

Even if he hadn't been laid off, his life would not have been on the bumper. He took insulin to squeeze into the subway every day, and worked late at night with people who were ten or twenty years younger than him. His body and mind were both in danger.

The film vividly shows the possibility of "middle class returning to poverty" in reality. Gao Zhilei's predicament is not floating, but has a strong universality. Many people may see themselves in him. The problems he faces reflect a real mirror of modern society.

We all think we are on a stable and smooth road, but in fact, when huge waves come, everyone has the possibility of derailing.

And when misfortunes come one after another, you will find that people are actually very small, and the things they can grasp are also very small.

The only thing you can do is to let go. Let go of your past self, face yourself again, and start over from a new starting point.

This is exactly what makes "Reverse Life" so interesting.

Although the film is realistic, it is not depressing.

It is about starting over - after all, when you reach middle age, you can no longer stop. Whether you go with the flow or against it, you always have to find a way to survive.

The former 985 graduate and middle-level manager of a company became a deliveryman.

It is conceivable that the former will not add any glory to his career as a deliveryman, but will make his journey more difficult.

After all, can he endure hardship?

Can you bear the cold stares?

Even - can you ride an electric bike?

The good news is that these all become the funny points of the film.

In the process of becoming a delivery man, every difficulty Gao Zhilei encountered was like "passing levels and fighting monsters" in a game.

At the beginning, he was an absolute rookie who couldn't even ride an electric bike properly. He was scared and timid as a mouse, trembling with fear on the busy streets.

I was so busy dealing with takeout orders that every order I took was overdue.

I ran upstairs panting, only to find that my hands were empty. I even forgot to take the most important meal.

After struggling through the beginner level and making a bunch of ridiculous low-level mistakes, do you think Gao Zhilei has gotten started?


He was extremely shocked to find that there were many "unspoken rules" in this line of work.

For example, you need to handle your relationship with merchants well.

In the beautiful fantasy situation, when the delivery man comes into the store to pick up the food, he only needs to say "Boss, No. xx", and someone will deliver the beautiful meal box to him.

However, the reality is often that you have to face a maze-like kitchen, a hundred identical orders, and a store owner who is so busy that he doesn't even have time to pay attention to you.

You also have to handle your relationship with customers well.

In the beautiful fantasy situation, the delivery man delivers the food, knocks on the door, smiles, hands the food to another pair of hands, and then clicks "delivered".

so easy!

However, the reality is that customers are human beings, and human beings have emotions and situations.

What if the customer doesn't let you in? What if he plays games and doesn't answer the phone? What if he asks you to take the trash downstairs? What if he cancels the order because you're too slow? What if he takes his anger out on you?

Of course, the most important thing is to improve your business skills.

And that, simply put, is it.

Be fast enough.

In the beautiful fantasy situation, you turn on the navigation and deliver the food honestly according to the route provided by the platform.

Then, you will... get timeout.

You have to have your own "path".

Every "single king" has a city map in his heart.

How to find the fastest and most efficient shortcut to complete the order while complying with traffic rules.

This requires you to be familiar with every street, every business district, every neighborhood... From the city map to the back kitchen route of a particular business, you have to know them all.

It's true.

Good! Difficult! Ah!

From a practical perspective, it would be difficult for a "newbie" deliveryman like Gao Zhilei to break into the industry.

It’s just that "Reverse Life" cleverly presents this process in a light-hearted and humorous tone.

Gao Zhilei is leveling up while passing levels and killing monsters.

You can also say that he is a collection of wrong questions.

Even though you make mistakes many times, you can still draw the right experiences.

"Reverse Life" is also like a guide for deliverymen to enter the industry, telling you many unknown insider information.

Before watching the movie, most people, like us, probably didn’t know much about the profession of deliveryman.

Even though, they are right next to us and we depend on them very much.

But do you really “see” them?

"Reverse Life" really magnified this group of people on the screen. Their work and their daily sweat are worth seeing.

This is also the precious part of the film. It is funny and good to watch, but it is not exaggerated, exaggerated or playful at all.

All the dramatic tension comes from the life of the deliveryman himself, as well as from Gao Zhilei’s self-mockery, contrast and growth.

The film shows a very real and hard background of life. The reason why it can be given a relaxed and humorous temperament is that everyone in the story does not complain about the world, but is strong and optimistic.

It’s a sense of humor that’s rooted in reality.

This kind of sense of humor is also powerful.

Outside of the movie, how the deliveryman’s real life circumstances are closely integrated with the film’s plot reflects the sincerity and skill of the creators.

It is conceivable that in order to present the lives of deliverymen as professionally, objectively, comprehensively and concretely as possible, they must have put a lot of effort into conducting research.

In the movie, Gao Zhilei, a complete newbie, tried so hard to figure out every trick in this industry, fell countless times, and was fined countless times, but he refused to give up.

You will know.

He was definitely going to run.

So, yes, "Reverse Life" is actually very exciting.

It’s also very cool.

He was laid off in middle age, but unexpectedly became the king of singles.

Very feeling!

After watching this, maybe you will also follow Gao Zhilei to have fun, run, or even "fly".

When you see Gao Zhilei riding an electric bike and traveling quickly in the city.

He is no longer trapped in the maze forest of steel and concrete, but starts his "speeding" life from another level.

He can face his former programmer colleagues with ease.

He no longer needs iced Americanos and insulin.

He even used his old skills to develop the Lulutong app to help other deliverymen.

He grew from a lagging last place to a top scorer step by step.

He really suffered a lot and put in a lot of effort in this process.

Perhaps the threshold to become a deliveryman is not high, but it is also difficult to do this job well.

Every job is difficult and worthy of respect.

Everyone who works hard to live deserves our standing ovation.

At this level, "Reverse Life" tells not only the story of a delivery man, but also the story of everyone who works hard to live.

The film has quite a few highlights in the group scenes.

After getting familiar with his colleagues, Gao Zhilei realized that each of the Knights around the takeaway station was fighting with his own life.

The young girl who is always gentle and smiling is actually a mother who works the night shift with her child.

The talkative and enthusiastic young man who always calls his brothers on the live broadcast is working hard to save money to return to his hometown to get married.

The father, who seems to be stingy on the surface, is actually gritting his teeth to save money for his daughter's surgery.

Shan Wang, who appears to be very cold, never makes friends and is only concerned about making money, is actually quietly saving compensation for his former colleagues.

However, for this group of people, life is not a jungle, but a wilderness. You can feel the truest kindness between people among them. Even when they are in a difficult situation, they still remember to support and encourage each other.

The reason why Gao Zhilei was able to become the king of singles is also inseparable from the help and encouragement from his colleagues along the way.

They are fighting for their own lives, and fighting side by side for each other's lives. These people are not only riders, but also comrades who watch over and help each other.

"Reverse Life" tells not only the story of one person, but also the story of a family.

Family and love are also the driving force and pillars for Gao Zhilei to keep going. After being laid off by the company, he was worried that he would disappoint his family and even bring shame to them, so he was reluctant to tell them the truth. But unlike what he imagined, everyone in his family chose to face it with him.

His wife found a new job, his mother reopened the grocery store, and his father worked hard to rehabilitate himself using the fitness equipment in the community.

It is true that the wife was angry with him, but not because her husband delivered food, but because he did not tell the truth and was unwilling to believe herself.

His father was angry with him, but later he found that his father was clearly disappointed with his illness: he was ashamed of his illness and he didn't want to be a "drag" in the family.

This is also very realistic and moving: when the storm hits, everyone thinks not of themselves, but of their families. There may have been misunderstandings between them, but their original intention was for this family and for everyone.

The family is a whole, and everyone is indispensable. Just as Gao Zhilei delivers food to support the whole family, everyone in the family, from the sick father to the young daughter, also wants to contribute in their own way.

No one lets go, no one stands still. Facing the difficulties of life, they will not escape, but choose to fight and fight against the huge monster together.

From this perspective, "Life in the Reverse" is a realistic film, but also a different kind of realistic film.

It tells about reality, but reality is not just about the cruel side. There is also hope, kindness and warmth between people, understanding and support.

Reality is not a shortcut, it forces you to choose a difficult path, a retrograde path. But reality is not a desperate situation either.

Keep going, keep living, face the reality, and fight side by side. This is where our courage and hope lie, and even more so, our strength.

Reality is powerful, just as "Retrograde Life" is also a very powerful movie.

This movie does not sell anxiety or consume suffering. We need such positive and inspiring power.

It is dedicated to everyone who works hard to live.

Every life that has fought for life is extraordinary.

In any case, I still hope that there will be more such movies and expressions in domestic films.

The film will be officially released this Friday, and I want to recommend it to more people.

And before that, our Taotao Movie Group had already watched this movie with everyone!

Many little peaches have called for the Taotuan to leave Beijing before, so this time the Taotao movie-watching group and "Reverse Life" came to Chengdu~

The weather is very hot and everyone is very enthusiastic about movies. I am very happy to watch a movie with you all!

After the screening, everyone gave very good reviews, affirming that this is a great and different realistic film. It is beautiful, exciting, funny, and powerful.

This movie is worth watching during the summer vacation.

I hope everyone will come and watch "Reverse Life"!