
Why does brown discharge appear after the menstrual period?


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Lulu discussed her menstrual problems with her best friend Fangfang with a worried look on her face: "What should I do? Am I suffering from a gynecological disease?" Her brows were furrowed and her eyes were full of anxiety.

She confided to Fangfang that in the past, after her period, she always had some thin leucorrhea, which was painless, itchy, and had no odor. However, recently she found that her discharge had become unusually sticky, accompanied by a distinct sour smell, and the color had turned dark brown.

Lulu was full of doubts, wondering if she had a gynecological disease. So she confided her concerns to Fangfang. Fangfang said she had a similar condition but did not feel any discomfort.

The two discussed this issue for a long time, but because of shyness, they were unwilling to ask their mother for help, and they were too embarrassed to go to the hospital for treatment. In the endless worry, they never came to a clear conclusion.

So, are the conditions that Lulu and Fangfang are signs of gynecological diseases? What should normal menstrual blood look like?

01Unveiling the secrets of female physiology: What color should normal menstrual blood be?