
The Middle East powder keg has added more fuel. The US military has encountered a tough opponent. Austin did not expect that he would have to pay for his actions.


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Who would have thought that a seemingly accidental assassination would become the fuse? The news that Hamas leader Haniyeh was assassinated in Iran was like a bombshell, instantly detonating the powder keg of the Middle East, which has long been on the brink of turmoil. Iran was furious and vowed to take strong revenge on Israel. For a time, the entire Middle East was on the verge of war, and the dark cloud of war hung over everyone's head.

Faced with such a severe threat, Israel dare not take it lightly. The streets are full of fully armed soldiers, and the air defense system is fully turned on. The whole country seems to have turned into a military fortress overnight. This tense atmosphere can't help but remind people of the tense atmosphere before the outbreak of each war in the Middle East. Seeing this situation, the United States, as Israel's staunch ally, will naturally not remain indifferent. Defense Secretary Austin quickly called the Israeli Defense Minister and reiterated the United States' firm support for Israel's security. This is not just diplomatic rhetoric, but also a military commitment. The United States' move is undoubtedly a warning to the entire Middle East, especially Iran: Don't act rashly, otherwise the United States is ready to take action at any time!