
The West received the news in advance that China and Russia are preparing to restart barter trade. Is a major change coming?


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According to Reuters, China and Russia will start trading in this way as early as this fall, and the first areas involved may be agricultural products. It is worth noting that in the Soviet era, and before and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Sino-Soviet/Chinese-Russian barter was actually quite common, and this situation continued until the beginning of this century.

[Chinese workers are unloading soybeans imported from Russia]

Since the news comes from the West, we still need to be cautious. However, some signs show that it is possible for China and Russia to make such an arrangement.

First of all, the impact of US sanctions is real. Among a series of sanctions, the "financial nuclear bomb" dropped on Russia, that is, kicking several major Russian banks out of the SWIFT system, did have a certain degree of destructive power. It must be admitted that the US dollar still occupies a great advantage in international trade, which allows the United States to still exercise long-arm jurisdiction over trade between some countries.

Sino-Russian trade has been relatively less affected by the United States, but it cannot be completely eliminated at this stage. Moreover, as the United States tightens sanctions, the pressure on China and Russia is increasing. Therefore, we need to take corresponding measures to reduce or even circumvent the impact of US sanctions. Barter can indeed do this to a certain extent. At the same time, the chain reaction it may trigger may usher in an era of major changes ahead of time.