
Athletes turn into purple potatoes in seconds after coming out of water. The United States, the host of the next Olympics, needs to give the world an explanation


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Recently, Chinese young swimmer Pan Zhanle won the men's 100m freestyle at the Olympics and set a world record of 46.40 seconds. Then, Pan Zhanle caught up in the men's 4x100m medley, ending the 64-year unbeaten record of the US team in this event. This broke the Americans' defense.

American swimming superstar Phelps openly questioned Pan Zhanle's performance in the competition, hinting that he might have taken performance-enhancing drugs. In addition, in June this year, Phelps also appeared at a hearing of the US Congress, criticizing the low frequency of drug testing for Chinese athletes. Recently, many US media have also continued to report on the "Chinese athletes involved in doping controversy" incident.

[Phelps (left) questions China's swimming performance]

To know,From January this year to now, the Chinese swimming team has undergone the most drug tests, with a total of more than 600 times. On average, each team member has undergone about 20 tests.Such frequent inspections do not mean that the innocent will be innocent and we don't need to care about them. They will affect the normal training arrangements of athletes. If the athletes' psychological quality is a little worse, the impact will be even greater. The final result is to prevent us from achieving good results. At the same time, combined with various means such as media hype, they can throw dirty water on Chinese sports.