
The bull market is beyond expectations! But investors can’t buy it?


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Source: Phoenix Finance "Financial Serials"

Recently, there have been market rumors that "regulators do not allow the issuance of public bond funds." Although there has been no clear regulatory directive or window guidance to stop issuing bond funds, the approval and issuance of bond funds has indeed slowed down significantly. "Financial Serials" found that the last time a bond fund was approved was on May 22, which is more than two months ago.

Coincidentally, while the issuance of bond funds has slowed down significantly, many bond funds on the market have also issued announcements to restrict large-scale subscriptions and redemptions. Some products have even reduced the purchase limit to 10 yuan, becoming "showcase funds."

Why has the supply of bond funds suddenly become so quiet when policies remain positive and negative factors in the bond market are relatively limited?

The bull market exceeded expectations, why is the bond market so hot?

These days, it is much more comfortable to reap the rewards in the bond market than to hang on in the equity market.

In the first half of 2024, the bond market continued to perform a bull market, with a large amount of funds pouring in. In the first half of this year, the CSI All Bond Index has risen by 4.31% since 2024, better than the semi-annual return of 2.98% in the same period last year, and it is also the best semi-annual performance since 2019.