
The United States and the Philippines are pressing forward step by step, and China is speaking out intensively! The People's Liberation Army quickly dispatched and marked the "bomb drop zone"


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The United States and the Philippines are pressing forward step by step, and China is speaking out intensively! The People's Liberation Army quickly dispatched and marked the "bomb drop zone"

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This was the second "2+2" meeting between the two countries during President Marcos' tenure, and the first time the Philippines hosted such a meeting. After the meeting, the US announced that it would provide the Philippines with $500 million in foreign military financing to "help Manila modernize its army and coast guard." In addition, the two countries also sought to reach a new key agreement on real-time information sharing and defense technology cooperation. According to the Global Times, citing the Philippine GMA News Network, as China and the Philippines continue to have frictions over disputed territories in the South China Sea, Blinken and Austin's attendance at the "2+2" meeting highlighted Washington's high-profile support for its allies.

Recently, the US election has entered the sprint stage, but Blinken still insists on visiting Asian countries, especially stepping up the layout around China, which clearly wants to send a signal to the outside world - that the US Asia-Pacific strategy will not change due to the results of the US election. The purpose of doing so is to facilitate the United States to continue to invest in the Asia-Pacific region, including the deployment of intermediate-range missiles in the Asia-Pacific region for the first time after the US military withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Missile Treaty, and the location was chosen on Luzon Island in the north of the Philippines. Although the Philippines later came out to say that the US military's intermediate-range missiles entered the Philippines only to "participate in joint exercises" and the relevant facilities will be withdrawn in September. But until now, there has been no sign of withdrawal.