
“One-time application, one-stop approval” What are the highlights of the new policy issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology?


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The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology yesterday (6th) issued the "Opinions on Innovating the Management of the Information and Communications Industry and Optimizing the Business Environment". The "Opinions" combines the concerns of enterprises and the market.Access, competition, regulation, and servicesComprehensively deploy reform and innovation in four dimensions to carry out a number of specific tasks to optimize the business environment of the information and communication industry.

Innovative management to optimize the business environment of the information and communication industry

The Opinion proposes to achieve "one-time application and one-stop approval" for new technology and new application licenses involving multiple types of telecommunications services, promote electronic licenses for telecommunications business operations and certificates, and strengthen mutual interoperability and mutual recognition. Expand the opening of telecommunications services, further pilot the expansion of value-added telecommunications services to foreign investment, and further promote the opening of telecommunications services to private capital.

Luo Luojia, deputy director of the Supervision Department of the Policy and Economic Research Institute of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology:The reform of notification and commitment for the second type of value-added telecommunications services has been implemented in the free trade zones and has now been extended to 21 areas where the free trade zones and free trade ports are located. The approval time limit has also been shortened. According to our research, the approval time for some administrative licenses can be shortened by more than 70%.

In response to new unfair competition behaviors such as abusing technology and algorithm advantages to disrupt the market, the Opinion proposes to further improve relevant identification standards and disposal bases. Establish and improve the competition supervision mechanism of the basic telecommunications market, and create an Internet industry ecology of fair competition, openness and sharing.