
Experts, please check! The new product promotion level trial version is released, and the 10 key questions are all here


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In order to better help Douyin influencers grow and help them achieve upgrade targets efficiently, the new version of Douyin Life Service's new cargo-carrying power level has been released. The upgraded new cargo-carrying power level has clearer evaluation rules, more comprehensive rights and interests, and a more complete growth path for influencers. Influencers who want to achieve a leap in their own level in Douyin Life Service, come and get this upgrade guide. Next, I will answer the 10 questions that influencers are most concerned about. The differences in this cargo-carrying power level upgrade:
Q: What new upgrades have been made to the new sales power levels compared to the old levels?
Compared with the old influencer sales power level, the new influencer sales power level has undergone more detailed and comprehensive upgrades in the rating system, rule advocacy, rating indicators, rating methods, growth stages, release cycles, and level rights and interests.
• [Rating System] In the upgraded new sales power rating system, the video + live streaming sales power levels no longer share the same rating standard, but are subdivided into two independent rating systems: video sales power and live streaming sales power.
• [Rule advocacy] Under the new sales power level, the video and live broadcast sales power levels have adopted the policy incentive mechanism for high transactions under the old expert sales power level. At the same time, the video sales power level has also added new incentive rules for local sales and creation of high-quality content. In response to the rule advocacy, corresponding adjustments have also been made in the governance direction. In addition to strictly controlling [false transactions], the platform will also strictly supervise and control [false playback volume], [false fans], [low-quality content such as reposting], [illegal marketing content], [hang-up live broadcast] and other dimensions.
• [Rating indicators and methods] In addition to the single [effective payment amount] indicator, the new sales power level has also been further upgraded. Among them, the live broadcast sales power level has added [effective write-off amount], and the video sales power level adopts a comprehensive rating method with weighted scoring of multiple indicators such as [effective payment amount], [effective write-off amount], [average number of views per article], [average amount of payment per fan per article], and [average number of views per fan per article].
• [Growth Stage] Compared with the old influencer sales power level, the new sales power level has added Lv8, allowing outstanding influencers to stand out. The video sales power level is divided into three growth stages. The first stage, Lv1-Lv3, is for local active store explorers; Lv4-Lv6, is for professional influencers with stable orders; Lv7-Lv8 is for treasure influencers with fan appeal. The rating dimensions of each stage are different. The live broadcast level is mainly rated based on transactions.
• [Release cycle] In terms of the release cycle, the new sales power level will be updated on the 6th of each month, and will not be upgraded in real time within the calendar month.
• [Level Rights and Benefits] The new levels of sales power are equipped with corresponding level-exclusive rights and benefits based on the characteristics and growth needs of influencers of different levels to help influencers upgrade.
Q: When will the new sales power levels actually take effect and which influencers will they apply to?
• Effective time: It will be tried on the influencer side from August 6, 2024. Influencers can see both the old and new sales power level data at the same time. It will officially take effect from September 6, 2024, when the old levels will be completely offline.
• Applicable influencers: The new sales power level rules will apply to all Douyin influencers who have successfully settled in the group buying influencer center.
Q: Where can influencers see their new sales power level?
After the trial version of the new sales power level is launched on August 6, Douyin influencers who have successfully settled in the Group Buying Expert Center can check their new sales power level data in the [Guidelines for Pinning to the Top of the Expert Group Buying Center Homepage] or [Guidelines for Pinning to the Sales Power Level Page].
During the trial period of the new sales power level from August 6 to September 5, influencers can only view their new sales power level data in the group buying influencer center. After the new sales power level officially takes effect on September 6, the system will officially switch to the new sales power level and display it on the group buying center page.
Q: I have questions about the new sales power level rules. Where can influencers check the specific rating standards?
Influencers who have questions about the new sales power level rules can enter the new sales power level homepage through the group buying center page, click "Rules" (upper right corner) to view the specific rating standards.
Q: How often will the new sales power levels be updated and released?
The new level of sales power is calculated based on a natural month as the statistical period. The influencer’s level for that month will be evaluated on the 6th of each month based on their performance in the previous natural month and will be displayed until the 5th of the following month.
Q: What rights and interests do the different new levels of influencer power represent?
For talents below Lv3, in addition to the basic functions of the group-buying talent center, such as commission sharing and product selection plaza, the platform will also provide basic training courses to help talents improve their creations; for Lv4-Lv6 talents, community services, high-quality business orders and advanced training courses will also be provided; and exclusive activities and other services will be provided to top talents. For talents of different levels, the platform will use different rights and interests to help them better complete their growth and upgrade. The current video level and live broadcast level have the same rights and interests, and are effective in the video and live broadcast scenarios respectively. There are also many other important new rights and interests that are still under development and have not been released yet, so stay tuned.
Q: Which influencers can achieve upgrades to the new sales force level?
Under the new level of sales power, the rules for maintaining and upgrading the levels of experts specializing in video are more detailed than those for experts specializing in live streaming.
• [New videos, live broadcast level maintenance]
1. In terms of specializing in videos, Lv7 influencers with good content and a basic fan base (e.g. 30,000 fans); Lv4-Lv6 influencers with good content, high investment in bringing goods and the ability to lead local merchants; and Lv1-Lv3 influencers who are active and visit many local merchants are more likely to maintain their rank.
2. In the field of live streaming, Lv1-Lv7 experts can maintain their level as long as the live streaming redemption rate is at a normal level.
• [New videos, live broadcast level upgrade]
1. Lv7 experts who specialize in videos have good content dissemination, many fans and strong stickiness (have personality); Lv4-Lv6 experts have high transactions, good content dissemination, and basic fan base (such as 30,000 fans); Lv1-Lv3 experts have good content and good local business leadership. These experts are more likely to obtain higher levels than the old ones.
2. For those who specialize in live streaming, the effective payment amount requirements for Lv1-Lv6 are the same as the old level standards. If talents want to upgrade, they need to further increase the effective payment amount for live streaming + showcase and maintain the normal write-off level in the industry. Lv7 talents with effective payment amount for live streaming + showcase exceeding 3 million and write-off rate at the normal level in the industry have the opportunity to upgrade to Lv8.
Q: Which influencers will be downgraded in the new sales power level?
From the perspective of comprehensive video and live broadcast, account fan base, content quality, verification rate, local merchant store visits and order placement ability will all become reasons for influencer demotion.
• 【Video Specialization】Influencers with low fan base, poor content quality, or who used to rely on “goods to bring people” to reach Lv7 will face downgrade; Influencers with high low-quality content or who used to rely on “goods to bring people” to reach Lv4+ will face downgrade; Lv1-Lv3 influencers who submit few works, want to rely on one video to support for many months or one draft to upgrade, and local merchants do not issue orders will face downgrade. At the same time, all experts who specialize in video should also note that those who do not explore local merchants at all, have a credit score of less than 60, have serious cheating, and have a low proportion of high-quality creations will also be downgraded to Lv0.
• Lv1-Lv7 experts in the field of [specializing in live streaming] will be downgraded if they have an abnormally low live streaming verification rate, a high proportion of low-quality live streaming such as AFK, etc.
Q: Under the new sales force levels, how should influencers who want to work in the video field improve their own levels?
Under the new level of sales power, the influencer's local sales ability, video creation ability and influence are the key points.
• Start with the stores around you. Take stock of the list of merchants in the city, discover merchants with characteristics, stories, and local flavor, and learn how local merchants select products.
• Stable operation and continuous output. Learn to grasp the characteristics of merchants and products, try to create and edit from multiple angles, visit more stores and submit more videos, and find the secret code for local merchants to bring in goods and orders through short videos.
• Continuously improve content capabilities. Optimize video quality from multiple angles, including plot, sound, image, and content appeal, to increase traffic competitiveness.
• Establish a personal image to increase the influence of the account. Create a unique personal image to form a special memory point for the account, accumulate more loyal fans, and form a stable flow and transaction power.
Q: Under the new sales force levels, how should influencers who want to engage in live streaming improve their own levels?
Under the new level of sales power, influencers need to create high-quality life service live broadcast rooms while maintaining stable and continuous operations.
• Continuous and stable broadcasting. Increase the frequency and duration of live broadcasts, and explore diversified business models for live broadcast rooms.
• Create a high-quality live broadcast room. Improve the attractiveness of the live broadcast room by optimizing the words, scenes, and live broadcast room components.
If you are a Douyin influencer who wants to achieve a level leap, come and check out this Q&A guide. All the questions you want to know can be answered here!