
Hengyang Miaopu Primary School: Cultivating morality through "labor" and promoting growth through "movement"


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New Hunan Client, August 7 (Correspondent Cui Liqiong) In order to promote the spirit of labor and strengthen labor education, on the morning of August 6, Miaopu Primary School in Zhuhui District, Hengyang City, carefully designed a summer labor list including tidying the room, helping before meals, learning cooking, community service, etc. according to the age and psychological characteristics of students. After receiving the task list, the students took action and actively participated in various labor practices.
In recent years, Miaopu Primary School has opened up a wide range of channels to consolidate the foundation of labor education, integrate labor education classes with other subjects, and continuously expand educational resources. By allowing students to personally participate in labor, use their hands and brains, and work hard, they can deeply understand the truth that labor is the most glorious, the most noble, and the greatest.
From "textbooks" to "life", from "cognition" to "practice", Miaopu Primary School has effectively improved students' labor literacy through the in-depth development of labor education. In the future, the school will continue to explore new paths for labor education and provide a richer soil for the diversified growth of Miaopu students.