
German Foreign Minister: Russian missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads are less than 600 kilometers from Berlin


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According to the Ukrainian newspaper Kyiv Post on the 6th, on August 3rd local time, German Foreign Minister Berböck wrote in the German newspaper Bild that Russia has deployed missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads in Kaliningrad, an enclave less than 600 kilometers from Berlin.
"Russia has long been preparing for this war [in Ukraine]," Baerbock wrote. "For years, it has violated and terminated disarmament treaties, developed banned weapons that can be armed with nuclear warheads, and stationed them in Kaliningrad, less than 600 kilometers from Berlin."
German Foreign Minister Berböck Source: Associated Press
According to her, Germany must invest in "its own security and strength," but she added that this includes deploying U.S. long-range weapons systems in Germany. "We need a credible deterrent against Russia," Baerbock wrote, a move that would help protect countries that directly border Russia, including Poland, the Baltic states and Finland.
The Kyiv Post pointed out that the deployment of these US missiles in Europe was originally subject to the Intermediate-Range Missile Treaty signed by the United States and the Soviet Union in 1987, which aims to limit the deployment of nuclear weapons with a range of 500 to 5,500 kilometers. In February 2019, then-US President Trump announced the suspension of compliance with the treaty and later announced his withdrawal from the treaty.
On March 4 of the same year, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a document, stating that Russia would stop implementing the INF Treaty until the United States no longer violated the treaty or the treaty expired.
On August 4, Russian News Agency published an article saying that Baerber tried to justify the deployment of US missiles in Germany by "deterring Russia". Putin said in an interview with American media person Tucker Carlson that Western politicians often use imaginary "Russian threats" to intimidate their own people in order to divert people's attention from domestic issues. Putin said that Russia would not attack NATO countries and it would be meaningless to do so.
According to previous reports by foreign media, the Pentagon said on July 10 that the United States will deploy long-range strike systems in Germany starting in 2026. These weapons will include SM-6 missiles, Tomahawk missiles and hypersonic weapons under development. Their range will far exceed any land-based firepower system currently deployed in Europe.
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov said on July 11 that the Pentagon's plan to deploy long-range missiles in Germany is aimed at undermining Russia's security and Russia will formulate military response measures. Russian Ambassador to the United States Antonov also said on the same day that the US plan to deploy missiles in Germany "poses a direct threat to international security" and will "increase the risk of a missile arms race", and stressed that "this is a serious mistake by Washington."
According to multiple Russian media reports, Putin spoke at the Russian Navy Day parade on July 28, in which he mentioned that the United States will deploy long-range weapons in Germany from 2026. He said that if the United States deploys relevant missiles in Germany, these missiles will be able to hit Russian facilities within about 10 minutes after launch. Putin also warned that if the United States implements plans such as deploying long-range missiles in Germany, Russia will abandon the implementation of measures to suspend the deployment of medium- and short-range missiles.#Deep Good Articles Project#