
Quan Hongchan said that the gold medal is not that heavy anymore, and she always hit her stomach before. Can her sister be more humorous?


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Quan Hongchan won the gold medal again! When interviewed by reporters, she simply but realistically answered the meaning of the gold medal: "Last time it was a bit heavy, I had to hold it all the time, otherwise it would always block my stomach and cause me stomachache. This time it doesn't feel that heavy." Such a straightforward answer made people laugh. Obviously the reporter was asking about the connotation of the gold medal, but Quan Hongchan answered from a practical perspective about the actual weight of the gold medal. Every answer is so real and so cute, which makes people like her even more.

So far, Quan Hongchan has won a total of 20 gold medals in competitions at the world, national and above levels. These gold medals not only represent her glory, but also symbolize her sweat and hard work. Quan Hongchan has demonstrated her love for sports and her perseverance with her actions. Let us cheer for her and look forward to her achieving better results in future competitions!

Quan Hongchan smiled and continued, "Every gold medal is the result of my hard work, and is earned through my sweat and unremitting efforts on the training ground. Every gold medal is a testimony to my hard work, and is the result of the joint efforts of me, my coaching team, family and friends." Quan Hongchan's persistence and hard work have infected those around her, and her story has inspired countless people.