
Ji Weimin: Chinese listed companies need to strengthen the independence of the board of directors and improve corporate governance structure


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Source: Ruijian Economy

The 2024 Listed Companies High-Quality Development Forum was held in Beijing on August 7, with the theme of "Gathering Momentum and Empowering to Move Forward to the New". Ji Weimin, deputy director of the Institute of Industrial Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and president and editor-in-chief of China Business News, attended the forum and delivered a speech.

Ji Weimin said that building a modern capital market with Chinese characteristics is a necessary part of China's modernization. Listed companies are an important part of the capital market, an important participant and growth engine of China's economy. China's listed companies and China's GDP growth have shown a high degree of consistency. Improving the development quality of listed companies has become an important topic for deepening reform of China's capital market at this stage. The high-quality development of listed companies is also an important task and inherent requirement for the high-quality development of China's economy.

He pointed out that Chinese listed companies have achieved fruitful results in the past year, which are mainly reflected in the following five aspects.

First, the intensity and speed of digital transformation of listed companies have increased. Companies have made full use of new technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing to improve their production efficiency, operational efficiency, and service quality.

Second, the innovation capability of listed companies is constantly improving. Concept innovation, technological innovation, and management innovation have promoted the upgrading of products and services, and further promoted the adjustment and optimization of industrial structure.