
With multiple sources of hot money buying stocks to support the family, how good is Offcn Education Group Co., Ltd., which has risen 5 times in 6 days?


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Image source: Visual China

Interface News Reporter | Dragon Power

Interface News Reporter | Dragon Power

On August 6, Offcn Education Group (002607.SZ) experienced a huge intraday shock, but it still successfully closed the board in the end. The total transaction volume for the day was 3.264 billion yuan, and there were still 628,900 orders at the close of the market. So far, the stock has achieved 5 daily limit ups in the past 6 trading days, and the stock price range has increased by 67.59%.

The Dragon and Tiger List data disclosed after the market closed showed that among the top five buyers on Offcn Education’s Dragon and Tiger List that day, three seats were occupied by seats commonly used by well-known hot money, with a total purchase amount of up to 213 million yuan.

Specifically, China Merchants Securities, located at Liuyi Middle Road in Fuzhou, a seat commonly used by first-line hot money, topped the buyer list of Offcn Education with a purchase amount of 94.7182 million yuan; Huatai Securities, located at Erwei Road in Dongli Development Zone in Tianjin, another seat commonly used by first-line hot money, ranked third among buyers with a purchase amount of 65.9569 million yuan; Huaxin Securities, located at Wanping South Road in Shanghai, a seat commonly used by well-known hot money to make a living by stock speculation, was also on the list, with a purchase amount of 52.4988 million yuan, ranking fifth among buyers.