
Yu Minhong has completely withdrawn! Dong Yuhui returned to the live broadcast room after more than ten days, and started recruiting a large number of people with Huixing


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Source: Times Finance Author: Comprehensive

Yu Minhong completely withdrew from Yuhuixingxing.

According to Tianyancha, Yuhui Tongxing (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yuhui Tongxing") underwent industrial and commercial changes on August 7. Yuhui Tongxing's original shareholder Beijing New Oriental Xuncheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. withdrew, and Yu Minhong also resigned as a supervisor at the same time.

Yu Minhong fulfilled his promise. At the Oriental Selection Shareholder Communication Meeting held on July 26, in response to shareholders' questions about whether New Oriental would acquire a stake in Huitongxing soon after it becomes independent, Yu Minhong said, "New Oriental will not hold any shares in Huitongxing now or in the future. This situation does not exist."

After the change, Yuhuixingxing is wholly owned by Dong Yuhui, who is the legal representative, beneficial owner, and actual controller of Yuhuixingxing and serves as executive director and manager.

The breakup storm has come to an end, and Dong Yuhui, who had disappeared for more than ten days, has returned to the spotlight, and his colleagues have also begun recruiting new people.

On the evening of August 6, Dong Yuhui suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room of "Traveling with Hui". The anchor said, "I see the handsome guy is back today. I haven't seen him for a long time, almost 12 or 13 days", and teased Dong Yuhui, "One day without seeing you feels like three years, we have been apart for at least 36 years". Dong Yuhui laughed and said, "No way, it was only two or three days." The last time Dong Yuhui appeared in the live broadcast room of "Traveling with Hui" was on July 24.

On the day of Dong Yuhui's return, the peak popularity and sales of the "Yi Hui Xing Tong" live broadcast room reached a small peak in recent times. According to Daduoduo data, the peak popularity of the "Yi Hui Xing Tong" live broadcast room reached 238,000 people on the evening of August 6, and the sales were estimated to be between 10 million and 25 million yuan.

According to the schedule released by the Yuhui Xingxing live broadcast room, Dong Yuhui will broadcast for three consecutive days from August 7 to August 9, of which August 7 is a special show for the Olympic meal break. Not long ago, Dong Yuhui went to Paris to watch the Olympics.

The "mothers-in-law" expressed their warm welcome to Dong Yuhui's return, saying, "I'm inexplicably happy to see that name" and "I'll place more orders when Huihui comes back." The videos about Dong Yuhui's return and shift scheduling posted on Douyin by the "Yi Hui Xing Xing" live broadcast room received 73,000 and 44,000 likes respectively, a recent high.

Yuhuixingxing has recently started recruiting a large number of people.

According to the official website of BOSS Zhipin, Yuhuixingxing currently has 12 positions open for recruitment, including live audio engineer, live investment manager, senior copywriter, editor, director, cameraman, etc., with salaries ranging from 8,000 to 25,000 yuan. According to Dongfang Finance, Yuhuixingxing's recruitment positions for live field control, live investment manager, photographer, audio engineer, etc. were recently announced.

(Times Finance reporter compiled from Dongfang Finance, Tianyancha, and Yuhuixing Live Broadcast Room, etc.)