
Zhang Ruonan: The first person to become famous due to her large number of male fans


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I have always known that Zhang Ruonan has a lot of male fans, but I didn't expect that they are such an overwhelming number.

Last Saturday, my sister was invited by F426 to hold an offline meeting in Shenyang Joy City as a brand spokesperson. The scene was lively and crowded with fans who came to support her.

There were so many people.

I couldn't find Zhang Ruonan at first glance.

The difficulty of moving forward is tangible at this moment. (Did my feet really touch the ground?

In the chaos, Zhang Ruonan was accidentally injured by the staff who were maintaining order and was almost pushed away.

This is comparable to the traffic in Dead Rising. Many netizens felt suffocated after watching it, and it seemed as if they could smell the stench in the air through the screen.

It was considered polite not to cover your nose in such a situation, but Zhang Ruonan still went about her business with a smile. This money was what she deserved, and every penny was considered work injury compensation.

Under the relevant entries, netizens either felt sorry for the innocent beauties or used some typical dad-like comments made by male netizens to mock the fanatical star-chasing men: Whose child, husband, and father is this? Who knows where the money they get from chasing offline stars comes from! It also makes Zhang Ruonan a soldier of the people~~

How come it's not counted as a boomerang? The dart hit me right between the eyebrows hahahahahaha.

For a rising star, having high offline popularity is a good thing, right? But it seems that no one is happy about Zhang Ruonan being liked by so many fans online, just because most of her fans are boys.

Netizens generally feel that it is not a good thing for a female star to be liked by men. On the contrary, it may be a curse and the beginning of bad luck.

These male fans, one, don't spend money, two, don't collect data, three, don't rush to endorse magazines, and four, they only change wallpapers and post TikTok messages with the tag of Zhang Ruonan. In the end, Zhang Ruonan still gets criticized and scolded because of the large number of male fans. Isn't this an unprovoked disaster?

It can only be said that it is not without reason that everyone thinks this way. After all, looking at the number of offline fans and the number of likes on social platforms, Zhang Ruonan's popularity is not lower than that of several top flowers of the same period.

But her super topic data is far behind others.

Business resources are also clearly divided into high and low levels. While others are endorsements for high-end luxury brands, Zhang Ruonan is still accepting endorsements for trendy brands that are ridiculed by the public.

#A dead cycle formula: the brand is not good → fans don’t want to be ripped off → Zhang Ruonan’s commercial value cannot be reflected → good brands don’t want Zhang Ruonan to be their spokesperson#

Other people’s fans donate money and collect data to show their love, but the greatest contribution made by Zhang Ruonan’s fans is to set her as their screensaver.

When we advise them to work on data, they say: Can you be less controlling of other people’s wallets?

Ask them to buy endorsements, they say: She doesn’t want me to spend money.

"Celebrities are not my fathers, so I don't care what they endorse. Seeing that she can increase traffic, I give her face."

"I'm here to see her face, not to work for her. Whether she gets promoted or not is none of my business."

"Why do we need to collect data? I look at beauties online to please myself, how come I am the one pleasing her?"

"What's the point of getting her for free? It's her honor that we like her."

He always praises himself and belittles Zhang Ruonan... (The stereotype is deepened.

One second they were still shouting that they were fans, but the next second they turned hostile when they heard that they had to pay: like the girls chasing stars, they had to create some kind of super topic? Buy merchandise? Concert tickets? Only when you spend money can you be considered a fan? What's the point?

It’s not that you have to give something to like a star, but without fans to collect data, without fans to buy endorsements, and without fans to cheer for the star, where will the popularity come from to attract more people to like him?

Zhang Ruonan’s male fans not only don’t want her to live a better life, but they hope that she will become worse and worse so that they can match her well.

They don't care at all whether Zhang Ruonan has resources or makes money, but their ultimate ideal is to marry Zhang Ruonan and let her do their laundry, cook for them, and take care of their children.

It feels like they don't respect Zhang Ruonan at all, and don't see her as an idol at all. Who doesn't want their idol to have a bright future and become famous? They just treat Zhang Ruonan as a YY object.

They are just fantasizing about having a girlfriend who is young, sweet, simple and obedient.

As soon as they met, Zhang Ruonan began to fantasize about asking for someone’s WeChat to get rid of being single.

There are also those who claim that their AI face-changing only looks at Zhang Ruonan’s.

The comment section for her underwear endorsement was flooded with a lot of disgusting comments. Some people asked, "Will I get a signed bra if I buy it?", and others said, "Zhang Ruonan can show me her underwear, why can't you?"

Sometimes they even include Zhang Ruonan’s female fans in their fantasies: As everyone knows, Zhang Ruonan is our male fans, and her female fans are also our male fans.

Many netizens felt sorry for Zhang Ruonan, thinking that she was so unlucky. It was not her decision what kind of people liked her, and it was not her fault that she conformed to the male aesthetic. If possible, no one would not want to attract more fans who would help their career.

What's more, she has the big problem of her original family. The names of the three girls in her family all have the meaning of attracting brothers, so she wants to have a boy even if she has a fourth child.

Before, many passers-by who wanted to become fans were discouraged by the sentence "all the money earned goes into Yaozu's pocket". Now there is another reason "I don't want to share the burden with men".

But there are also different voices, advising everyone not to worry about it. Maybe Zhang Ruonan and her team are enjoying it. When she was asked in an earlier interview "What would you do if you woke up and found yourself turned into a boy", she said that she felt like she was a boy and had a tough personality, so everyone would call her Brother Nan.

Some netizens thought that her words were typical misogynistic remarks and said that she was a spiritual man.

Some netizens also speculated that the girlfriend style was the company's positioning and plan for Zhang Ruonan, because every step she took since her debut seemed to be to attract male fans.

The roles she played were all Gu Senxiang, You Yongci, Su Weian...all these pure and innocent little girls.

However, Nanfeng thinks it is hard to say. The image of the little white flower itself is more in line with Zhang Ruonan's appearance and temperament, and belongs to her comfort zone. It is inappropriate to define her as pleasing to men just because men like this type!

The fans’ name is “Nan Pengyou”, which sounds like boyfriend.

Although fans explained that the origin of "Nan Friends" is that everyone is "Zhang Ruonan's friends", netizens still feel that something is not right.

First, why can't it be "Zhang friends" or "Ruo friends", but "Nan friends"? Isn't this just catering to male fans? ?

Secondly, the name "Zhang Ruonan" can be used to give many cute nicknames, such as Little Nangua, Nangua Pie, Octopus Balls, etc., which are more suitable for a beautiful girl. Why did she choose the ambiguous name "Nan Friend"? ?

The reason is not strong enough, and many netizens who originally loved Zhang Ruonan have had their impression of her greatly reduced because of this fan name.

Nanfeng actually saw several of Zhang Ruonan's fans trying very hard to rationalize "Nan Friends", but how can I say this? There are so many people surfing the Internet every day, how many of them can go out of their way to understand the intention of your fan name? There is no harm in changing this name that can easily cause misunderstandings, and there is no need to be stubborn.

They can't tell good from bad, and they won't accept anything. More people are discouraged...

It is undeniable that Zhang Ruonan’s status cannot be improved, and a large part of the reason is because of the number of male fans.

There are high-quality male fans in this world. For example, Wang Xinling's male fans are either middle or senior management of the company, or they are home-bound game enthusiasts who buy albums and spend money to attend concerts.

For example, there was a period of time when male fans of Yixiaoqingcheng, who was very popular on the short video platform, would squat in the live broadcast room to earn gold coins crazily, and hold carnivals one after another.

We cannot generalize everything, and this matter is of course the same. The problem is not all male fans, but male fans like Zhang Ruonan.

Most of them are impulsive college students or high school students, who would tattoo Ruonan's name on their necks out of anger. (Buffs are fully stacked...

Treat it as a fashion item, but don't spend a penny on it.

For Zhang Ruonan, it would be good to have one more person like her, but what if she loses several people who like her because of it? That would be a bit of a loss.

Everyone called out to Zhang Ruonan, saying that she had to find a way to break the impasse, otherwise she would be associated with having many male fans and poor purchasing power in the future.

Many enthusiastic netizens also spontaneously gave Zhang Ruonan some ideas on "how to get out of the current predicament". Some asked her to find a tall, rich and handsome boyfriend, some advised her to take on a double female lead role, some suggested donating sanitary napkins to poor women, some said to get close to Xu Jiao and Zhang Yuqi, and some suggested changing her name to Zhang Ruonv and her fan name to "girlfriend"...

As we all know, practice makes perfect. Let’s talk about the results. She became a straight male goddess in the eyes of many audiences for her role as "Zhuge Dali" in "Love Apartment 5".

As a result, because of an article she published before, complaining about being harassed by an ugly and fat old man in her first job after graduation, her male fans thought she was boxing, and then they all stopped being her fans...

The love of male fans is intense but short-lived, and the key to breaking the deadlock is to make them give up their fantasies.

Zhang Ruonan's current screen image almost completely meets the fantasy of most men in my country about their perfect other half: a pure and innocent girl who unconditionally supports her family, does not resist the name given by her parents, and takes the whole family to play on the Internet.

Sooner or later you will need to transform, why not do it now?

This time it has become such a big deal that it cannot but have an impact on the artist's image. Many passers-by are almost extending their criticism from male fans to Zhang Ruonan herself. Even fans have realized that Zhang Ruonan's subsequent development path urgently needs to be re-planned. Having far more male fans than female fans will definitely do more harm than good to her development.

All I can say is that if Zhang Ruonan’s team doesn’t make changes, it will be hard for her commercial value to make a big breakthrough, and subsequent resources will be hard to avoid being affected. So stop it!

Of course, the most urgent thing is to change the fan name first...