
"Looking for the "light that illuminates growth"" Like these loving and interesting teachers! The 2024 Teachers' Day photo collection event invites you to share


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A good teacher is the light that illuminates growth. A good teacher can influence a student's life! As the 40th Teachers' Day is approaching, in order to vigorously promote the spirit of educators, showcase the style of Nanjing teachers, tell good stories about teachers in the new era, and create a good atmosphere of respecting teachers and valuing education in the whole society, the Nanjing Municipal Education Bureau and the Xinhua News Agency Youth Media Platform jointly launched the 2024 Teachers' Day "Light that Illuminates Growth" photo collection activity. Since the launch of the activity on August 2, it has attracted a large number of Nanjing students to actively submit their works. Through photos and texts, we have seen a large number of teachers with light in their eyes and love in their hearts. Let us walk into their stories together——
His eyes were full of tenderness,
She makes every kid look good.
Yin Shi, a student in Class 3 (6) of the First Affiliated Primary School of Nanjing Foreign Language School, recommended his homeroom teacher, Ms. Zhang Dexin, in his submission. He expressed his love for Ms. Zhang by talking to his mother. Yin Shi told his mother that Ms. Zhang made every child feel proud. "If one of our children did something wrong, she would only say that a child did something wrong, but she would not mention the child's name. But if a child did something good, she would praise him in a very ceremonial way and let other children applaud him."
Yin Shi told the reporter that once during the class voting for the three best students, a naughty child in the class only received 2 votes, the lowest in the class, and he cried so sadly. Teacher Zhang held him in her arms and comforted him for a long time. The next day, in the mental health class, she said that today's theme was "I will praise him", and asked every child to praise the little boy who cried the day before. He was happy and shy, and completely forgot the sadness of 2 votes, as if everyone had voted for him at the moment. "Teacher Zhang is very beautiful, and her smile is gentle and sweet. I like to see her smile. With her smile and encouragement, we are getting better and better."
Ms. Zhou, a wealthy mother, told the reporter: "Teacher Zhang is very gentle. My daughter likes her very much and often mentions her in her diary. Once, my daughter forgot to bring an eraser and looked around to borrow one during class. Upon learning this, Teacher Zhang quietly put an eraser under my daughter's elbow during eye exercises. No matter what kind of child, the teacher can always find his shining points. Children who are good at sports can bloom with confidence, and children who are helpful can also be appreciated... The children in the class are all very confident and energetic."
Let flowers grow into flowers and trees grow into trees!
He is gentle as jade and cares about every student
He Yixuan from Class 5 (14) of Nanjing Langya Road Primary School Mingfa Binjiang Branch recommended the best teacher in his mind, Mr. Li Xiaozhou. He Yixuan wrote in his submission: "He is well-read and can compose poems and songs at will; he is humorous and his lectures are lively and interesting, which arouses the classroom atmosphere and makes the whole class thirsty for knowledge; he is gentle and kind, caring about every student and respecting every parent; he is selfless and brings snacks and fruits to distribute to the children who come home late every day; he cares about the students and actively communicates with parents about the children's study and life status, and completely achieves 'home-school co-education to promote growth'... I can't write enough about all the good things about Mr. Li; I can't describe the greatness of Mr. Li with my limited knowledge."
He Yixuan said: "Teacher Li treats each of us fairly and justly, and never abandons or gives up on us! His words 'I want the students I have taught to blossom into flowers and trees' touched me deeply, and I am determined to grow into the big tree in his heart."
Like a magician!
She always makes ordinary classes extraordinary.
"In our school, there is an art teacher whose unique teaching method adds a touch of color to our campus life. She is our art teacher, Ms. Yan, an artist who ignites students' imagination with her creativity." Du Yunyi, a student in Class 2 (17) of Nanjing Yuhuatai Experimental Primary School, recommended his art teacher, Ms. Yan Ruyu, in his submission.
Du Yunyi said that Teacher Yan's art class is always full of surprises. "I remember that time, she brought colorful feathers and asked us to use them to create. At first, we were confused by these light feathers, but with Teacher Yan's guidance, we learned how to use them to decorate the picture frame and even draw lifelike birds."
"Teacher Yan told us that art is everywhere, and as long as we feel it with our heart, we can create our own art. Teacher Yan is like a magician who can always make ordinary classes extraordinary. Every time she teaches, we feel the charm and fun of art. We look forward to every art class because we know that there will be new surprises waiting for us every time. We are proud and proud to have such a good teacher."
Good educational stories are waiting for you to share!
The theme of this activity is "The light that illuminates growth". Share the warm photos of yourself and your teacher, recall the unforgettable moments, and search for the "light that illuminates growth" in time. Primary and secondary school students are welcome to submit their works. The deadline for the activity is August 31.
way of participation:
Student and parent submissions: Log in to the Youth Magazine APP, click on the homepage topic, enter the "Light of Growth" activity page, select "Submission Channel" to enter the submission page, and upload photos and text according to the prompts.
Note: Students must provide their name, contact information, school, grade, class and other information when submitting their work; parents must indicate "parent" after the student's name when submitting their work, such as: Wang Xiaoming (parent).
Other submissions: Please send your submissions to the event email address [email protected]. Please name the email "Name + Contact Information + Recommending Teacher's Name + Teacher's School (Other Submissions)".
Photo requirements:
The content of the photo should be closely related to the theme of the event, the picture should be clear, the resolution should be no less than 1920*1080, the size should be larger than 1M, and the format should be JPG; and it should be marked with "the name of the teacher you recommend + the school where the teacher is located".
Collection and Exhibition:
Excellent works will be displayed on the Yangtze Evening News all-media platform, "Nanjing Education Release" and other platforms.
Consultation hotline: 025-58956768 17826043816
Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Wang Ying
Proofread by Li Haihui