
Dezhou City Completes the City-level Selection for the 7th Shandong Children's Hand-painted Map Competition


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina reporter Zhang Zhennan reports from Texas
In order to vigorously popularize national territory knowledge among the public and enhance national territory awareness among the entire population, especially primary and secondary school students, the Dezhou Municipal Natural Resources Bureau, in conjunction with the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Municipal Youth League Committee, Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, and Municipal Women's Federation, recently successfully carried out the municipal selection for the 7th Shandong Province "Beautiful China, Beautiful Shandong" Children's Hand-drawn Map Competition, and completed the provincial competition submission work on time.
The Children's Hand-drawn Map Contest uses maps as a medium to express praise and love for "Beautiful China" and "Beautiful Shandong (Colorful Shandong, Green Shandong)" and longing for a harmonious world through painting. Dezhou Natural Resources Bureau and other five departments jointly issued a letter to organize counties (cities, districts) to collect works, and at the same time widely publicized through WeChat and other media, mobilizing young people aged 6-8, 9-12, and 13-15 to participate in the competition. Nearly 660 works were collected in the city, and relevant experts were organized to select nearly 80 excellent works and report them to the provincial level for competition.
Through this competition, we have popularized knowledge about the national territory, enhanced the awareness of consciously safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, improved the ability of citizens, especially primary and secondary school students, to identify "problematic maps", and further stimulated primary and secondary school students' praise and love for their beautiful motherland and hometown.