
How to choose an international school? Maple Leaf School helps students open the door to global opportunities


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In recent years, with the development and changes of society, the concept of education has been updated and iterated. Many parents have let go of their obsession with grades and focused on their children's own growth. In terms of teaching methods and curriculum settings, international schools can teach students in accordance with their personalities and strengths, helping each child become unique. So, how do you choose an international school? Maple Leaf School uses diversified education to help children become well-rounded.

When choosing an international school, the focus is on the school's educational philosophy. The school's educational philosophy is reflected in the school's management style and all aspects of students' campus life outside the classroom. In this regard, Maple Leaf School adheres to the school-running philosophy of "optimizing the combination of Chinese and Western education and implementing quality education", and is committed to providing first-class educational services to all educated people regardless of race, skin color, or nationality. Guided by advanced culture and concepts, Maple Leaf School cultivates batches of international talents with global competence for the society.

Considering that the "authentic" foreign courses are no longer the best choice for Chinese families. The Maple Leaf School High School uses the independently developed Maple Leaf World School curriculum with Chinese characteristics. The entire curriculum, from concepts to content, incorporates Chinese elements, which can meet the needs of Chinese students with bilingual thinking, international vision, and all-round development; externally, it can meet the needs of overseas students to experience Chinese culture without neglecting their own language and culture. In the process of implementing the Maple Leaf World School curriculum, Maple Leaf School adopts a credit system, implements a timetable for each student, and supports the personalized development of students. Starting from the second year of high school, students can choose elective courses from eight major professional directions based on their future academic plans, their own interests and hobbies, etc. The scientific and reasonable academic planning respects the wishes of students to the greatest extent and achieves optimal development at the same time.

In May this year, the Ecctis benchmarking of Maple Leaf World School curriculum was fully completed! This means that Maple Leaf World School curriculum has been fully connected with global universities in the UK, the US, Canada, Australia, etc., and has become an international curriculum of the same level as IB and A Level. In addition, with the support of Maple Leaf World School curriculum, Maple Leaf's 2024 graduates have achieved gratifying academic performance. As of June 2024, more than 87% of this year's graduates were admitted to the top 100 QS schools, once again breaking Maple Leaf's historical record.

The practical application of Maple Leaf World School curriculum has made more contributions to the innovation of the theory and practice of international education curriculum with Chinese characteristics. Recently, the national project "Research on the Theory and Practice Innovation of International Education Curriculum with Chinese Characteristics" submitted by Maple Leaf Education Group was identified as an excellent research project in the 2021-2023 annual planning project (school development category). Only 7 projects have won this honor, accounting for about 1%, and the Maple Leaf project is the only one in the primary and secondary school group that has been rated as excellent.

How to choose an international school? I believe that parents have a deeper understanding of Maple Leaf School in terms of international curriculum and further studies. If you want your children to have a better future, Maple Leaf School is worth considering!
