
The 10-year promise of the Big Data Expo | Li Jin, COO of Softcom Wisdom: Big Data Expo is the "compass" for the development of the industry


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As the wave of digitalization sweeps the world, the Big Data Expo, as an annual event in the field of big data, is promoting the high-quality development of the digital economy. Recently, in an exclusive interview with Data View, Li Jin, COO of iSoftStone, fondly recalled the indissoluble bond between iSoftStone and the Big Data Expo, and looked forward to a new chapter of future cooperation.
Since the first Big Data Expo was held in 2015, Softcom, as a leading enterprise in urban data intelligence services, has participated in this event for nine consecutive years. It has not only witnessed the vigorous development of the global big data industry, but also demonstrated its latest achievements and innovative solutions in the fields of smart cities, AI technology, data governance, etc. on the stage of the Big Data Expo. Li Jin said that the Big Data Expo is the "compass" of industry development, providing valuable resources and opportunities for enterprises. It is an important platform for Softcom to expand the market, deepen cooperation, and promote the implementation of projects. At the upcoming 2024 Big Data Expo, Softcom will bring more cutting-edge technologies and innovative applications to the show, and work with colleagues in the industry to draw a grand blueprint for the construction of Digital China.
Data View: How did your company get involved with the Big Data Expo? Could you please briefly review your first participation in the Big Data Expo?
Li Jin, COO of Softcom Wisdom: In 2015, the "Internet Plus" action plan was first proposed in the government work report. "Internet Plus" and big data not only became the annual hot words of the year, but also became the driving force for innovation in China's economy and society.
It is in this context that Softcom, as China's leading urban data intelligence service provider, keenly captured the infinite possibilities of the deep integration of big data and smart cities, and had a chance encounter with the first China International Big Data Expo in 2015.
We are full of confidence and expectation for our first participation in the Big Data Expo. With careful preparation, we brought the latest technological achievements, innovative products and solutions of iSoftStone in the field of smart cities to the Big Data Expo. With the help of the Big Data Expo as a platform for cooperation and communication, we fully demonstrated the capabilities of iSoftStone to city governments, industry experts and customers from all over the country, aiming to help cities around the country promote the construction and operation of smart city projects in a more scientific, systematic and intelligent way.
Data View: In the past nine years, how often has your company participated in the Big Data Expo? What important experiences and gains have you gained from participating in the exhibition?
Li Jin, COO of iSoftStone: Since the first China International Big Data Expo in 2015, iSoftStone has not only never missed the event for nine consecutive years, but has also continuously expanded the depth and breadth of its participation in the event, becoming a die-hard fan of the event. In the past nine years, we have witnessed the magnificent development of the global big data industry, and have become one of the participating companies in the high-standard and high-level exhibition and conference of the China International Big Data Expo.
With the help of the Big Data Expo platform, we have gradually built a bridge for close cooperation with the government, industry, academia, research and users, created the Softcom smart industry ecosystem, and worked with all sectors to draw a grand blueprint for high-quality development of the digital economy.
The 2017 Big Data Expo was an important milestone for Softcom Wisdom. We released the "Smart City Service Platform" for the first time in the industry, bringing innovative ideas for the future development of smart cities and attracting widespread attention from the industry. During the 2023 Big Data Expo, based on the "Digital 'Intelligent' Huaguoyuan Governance Practice", we launched the "AIGC Grassroots Governance Cloud Product Solution" to empower grassroots social governance with digitalization, promote the focus of governance and services to the grassroots, and help create a modern digital governance society. At the same time, we also hosted the "AIGC and Grassroots Governance Development Forum" with the theme of "Digital Governance Without Borders and Intelligent Governance Without Boundaries", and invited experts and scholars such as Tan Jianrong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Li Shuai, deputy director of the Data Governance Service Center of the Fifth Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Lu Zhiwu, a professor and doctoral supervisor at the Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence of Renmin University of China, to jointly discuss the modernization of grassroots governance under the leadership of party building in the new era and jointly build a cooperative ecology of "AIGC New Ecology + Grassroots Governance".
Data View: What valuable resources and opportunities do you think the Big Data Expo provides for enterprises? What are its unique advantages?
Li Jin, COO of Softcom Wisdom: For Softcom Wisdom, the Big Data Expo is not only an authoritative window for national and industry authorities to interpret the implementation of macro policies, but also a "compass" for industry development. It is an important bridge for companies to obtain sales cooperation opportunities, explore market resources, and jointly build an ecosystem. It is also an accelerator for deepening strategic cooperation between government and enterprises and promoting project signing.
At present, data, as the "fifth production factor", is the key force in developing new productivity. Compared with other national exhibitions, the Big Data Expo is the world's first big data-themed expo. It is an international event and a world-class platform that showcases the achievements of domestic big data development and gathers global big data resources. The iconic "big data" positioning of the Big Data Expo has helped Guiyang become a national big data industry development cluster, which also coincides with the "data + AI" development strategy of Softcom Wisdom.
Data View: The 2024 Big Data Expo will be held soon. It will continue to focus on services, let enterprises play the leading role, and build a professional and efficient communication and cooperation platform. What are your company's specific plans and expectations for participation? What kind of cooperative relationship do you hope to establish with the Big Data Expo in the future to jointly promote the development of the big data industry?
Li Jin, COO of Softcom Wisdom: At present, data elements are rapidly integrated into various links such as production, distribution, circulation, consumption and social service management, forming a rich application scenario and promoting the transformation of social production methods. At the 2024 Big Data Expo, Softcom Wisdom will continue to fully participate in all aspects of the conference, focusing on displaying service capabilities and innovative achievements in the three major fields of "data elements ×", "AI + industry applications" and "new computing power". At the same time, through a variety of forms, Softcom Wisdom's hard-core digital intelligence capabilities will be fully demonstrated to continuously empower and enhance intelligence for the construction of Digital China.
The digital transformation is just in time. Artificial intelligence represented by big models is accelerating its development. The market demand for data elements has exploded. Digital technology has burst out with vigorous vitality and has become a key force in developing new quality productivity. This year marks the tenth year of the Big Data Expo. The Big Data Expo continues to provide an important display platform for the innovative development of new products and new technologies, builds an important communication bridge for industry cooperation and exchanges, and also injects new momentum into the development of industry standardization. Looking to the future, Softcom Wisdom will work with the Big Data Expo and its partners to focus on the fields of "data elements ×", "AI + industry applications" and "new computing power", give play to the resonance effect of big data and artificial intelligence, promote the growth and development of new quality productivity of data elements, and fully assist in the construction of Digital China.
Source: Data View