
Taiwanese media closely watched: 36 mainland military aircraft were active around the Taiwan Strait, "surrounding Taiwan 270 degrees, the closest to Eluanbi is only 33 nautical miles away"


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[Global Times Report] According to Taiwan's China Times News Network on August 7, Taiwan's Defense Department said today (7th) that from 6 a.m. on the 6th to 6 a.m. today, 36 PLA military aircraft were active around the Taiwan Strait, of which 31 crossed the so-called "center line of the strait" and entered Taiwan's northern, central, southwestern, and eastern airspace, surrounding Taiwan at 270 degrees, and the closest was only 33 nautical miles from Eluanbi.
PLA fighter plane data map
According to the report, pictures released by Taiwan’s defense department showed that 31 PLA fighter jets, drones and helicopters crossed the so-called "center line of the strait" and surrounded the Taiwan island 270 degrees from the northern, central, southwestern and southeastern airspace of Taiwan. Many of them circled the southern airspace of Taiwan, with the closest distance to Eluanbi being only 33 nautical miles; in addition, 8 PLA warships continued to operate around the Taiwan Strait.
In recent days, Taiwanese media have paid close attention to the PLA's patrol operations around Taiwan Island. Zhang Xiaogang, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, has already responded to the PLA's training and exercises in the Taiwan Strait. Zhang Xiaogang said that there is only one China in the world, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, and there is no so-called "median line of the strait". The PLA's training and exercises in the Taiwan Strait are legitimate actions to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, a deterrent to external interference and provocations by "Taiwan independence" forces, and a necessary action to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. We will continue to strengthen military training and preparations, and resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.