
Chenzhou City blows the horn for the 100-meter sprint to open up the "last mile" of environmental protection


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Opening ceremony of the 2024 Chenzhou City Township (Street) Ecological and Environmental Protection Business Basic Training Class.
Red Net Time News August 5th(Reporters Liao Lingqiong, Zuo Jialin, Li Jianfeng) On August 1, the training course on ecological environment protection for townships (sub-districts) in Chenzhou City, Hunan Province, was launched at Changsha Environmental Protection Vocational and Technical College. Xiao Ping, deputy director of the Personnel Department of the Hunan Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Zhang Li, member of the Party Committee and director of the Publicity and United Front Department of Changsha Environmental Protection Vocational and Technical College, delivered a welcome speech. Gu Zhen, chief engineer of the Chenzhou Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, presided over the ceremony.
The leaders in charge or persons in charge of the ecological offices of 159 towns (streets) in Chenzhou City and the deputy directors of the ecological environment bureaus of 11 counties (cities, districts) will receive two days of closed training to effectively improve the comprehensive quality and professional ability of grassroots environmental protection workers and to accumulate power for the 100-meter sprint to the "last mile" of environmental protection.
Xiao Ping said that holding this training course is a concrete measure to fully implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and Xi Jinping's thoughts on ecological civilization, an important way to deeply understand the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on ecological environmental protection, and a powerful way to deepen the reform of the vertical management system of monitoring, supervision and law enforcement of ecological environmental agencies below the provincial level. Xiao Ping hopes that the trainees will cherish this rare learning opportunity, strengthen experience exchange, obey the teaching arrangements, successfully complete the learning tasks, and transform the learning results into practical results.
Why is the training for ecological environment protection in towns (sub-districts) of Chenzhou City held in Changsha? According to Gu Zhen, in order to create an immersive learning atmosphere for trainees and to receive leading professional knowledge and skills in the industry, the Chenzhou Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau has repeatedly studied and planned in many ways. Relying on the "government-school cooperation" model, it has joined hands with the Changsha Environmental Protection Vocational and Technical College, a national training base and the cadre training center of the Provincial Ecological Environment Department, to invite Liu Jielong, Wu Wei, Cao Zhe, You Xiangyu, Lu Sha and other well-known experts and professors in the industry to give lectures on Xi Jinping's thoughts on ecological civilization, strategies for comprehensive improvement of rural environment, basic knowledge of ecological environment protection and protection of rural drinking water sources, an overview of ecological environment laws and regulations, ecological environment law enforcement and public opinion handling.
In the group learning and exchange activities held in the evening, the trainees, based on their own grassroots environmental protection work experience and combined with the courses learned during the day, conducted in-depth discussions on rural domestic sewage, rural black and smelly water bodies, livestock and poultry breeding pollution, rural drinking water source protection and other issues. Rural ecological environment protection work was the focus of discussion in each group. The exchange atmosphere was warm, the trainees constantly exchanged views, their thoughts collided with each other throughout the process, and they shared a lot of work experience and constructive suggestions.
In recent years, Hunan's ecological environment governance and protection has achieved major phased victories. As major ecological and environmental pollution problems have been fundamentally resolved, the battle against pollution has changed from "fighting firmly" to "fighting thoroughly", which means that the contradictions and problems touched upon in the battle are deeper, wider in scope, and more demanding. From the past "big opening and closing" rectification of major ecological and environmental issues to the current "cooking small fresh" style of comprehensive governance and comprehensive protection, the ecological environment work is undergoing profound changes. With the changes in work caused by the changes in ecological and environmental governance, the problem of weak grassroots environmental protection forces has become increasingly prominent.
In order to fundamentally solve the difficulty of "lack of manpower and food" in grassroots environmental protection work, the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government started from fundamental issues such as system design and grassroots institutions, and actively provided continuous impetus for opening up the "last mile" of environmental protection.
On April 29, Liu Qun, Party Secretary and Director of the Hunan Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, published a signed article on the homepage of the official website of China Environmental Monitoring magazine - "Gathering the mighty power to fight the tough battle against pollution prevention and control", providing a solution to the problem of opening up the "last kilometer" of environmental protection. In May, the Chenzhou Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau actively promoted the city's 159 towns (streets) to take the lead in setting up ecological environment offices in the province, and standardized the functions and responsibilities of the ecological offices; in early June, Xiangtan City set up ecological affairs service centers in all towns (streets); in July, 170 towns (streets) in Changsha City set up ecological affairs centers... At present, the first-level environmental protection agencies in towns (streets) in Hunan Province are being established one after another. The names of the agencies may be different, but the goals are firm and consistent: to walk the "last kilometer" of environmental protection well and enter the hearts of the people.
After the Chenzhou Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau was established in 159 towns (streets) across the city, it immediately organized the personnel of the town (street) ecological offices across the city to come to the joint national training base and the cadre training center of the Provincial Ecological Environment Department to carry out professional training in a down-to-earth manner, so as to give full play to the role of the town (street) ecological offices as a bastion of battle in the future and further gather new forces for pollution prevention and control and the construction of a beautiful Hunan.