
Congratulations! The movie "Article 20" won multiple Hundred Flowers Awards


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The film "Article 20" won multiple Hundred Flowers Awards

Zhang Yimou won the Best Director Award, and Ma Li and Zhao Liying won the Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress Awards respectively

The 37th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Awards Ceremony was held in Chengdu, Sichuan on August 4. The film "Article 20" won multiple Hundred Flowers Awards, Zhang Yimou won the Best Director Award, and Ma Li and Zhao Liying won the Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress awards for their superb performances in "Article 20".

Best Director

Zhang Yimou

Director of Article 20

Best Actress


Li Maojuan in Article 20

Best Supporting Actress

Zhao Liying

"Article 20" as Hao Xiuping

The film "Article 20" tells the legitimate defense system stipulated in Article 20 of the Criminal Law in an artistic form. Once it was released, it attracted widespread attention from the society. From the perspective of prosecutor Han Ming, the film comprehensively and systematically presents the application of the legitimate defense system, from not daring to apply it, not willing to apply it to effectively transforming the judicial concept and applying legitimate defense in accordance with the law to maintain fairness and justice. The film opens up realism in a comedic way, presents social groups with life stories, and conveys the people's most simple value expectations for fairness and justice in the balanced pursuit of emotion, reason and law. Through the artistic shaping of characters in the play such as Han Ming, Li Maojuan, and Hao Xiuping, it reminds judicial personnel to abandon mechanical justice, let the judicial conclusions resonate with the laws engraved in the hearts of citizens, and deeply interprets the new era of "loyalty, serving the people, responsibility, fairness, and integrity" of the procuratorial spirit.

The film "Article 20" was jointly produced by the Supreme People's Procuratorate Film and Television Center and Beijing Enlight Pictures Co., Ltd., directed by Zhang Yimou, and starred by Lei Jiayin, Ma Li, Gao Ye, Zhao Liying, etc. It was released in mainland China on February 10 this year. In May, the film "Article 20" ended its public screening, breaking many film history records and ranking at the top of the current Chinese film history box office list.

(Source: Procuratorate Daily·News Edition China Art News WeChat Official Account Reporter: Gao Bin)
