
The State Sports General Administration has made a statement! The long-term "medley swimming" must be investigated thoroughly


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According to China Sports Daily, on August 6, a relevant person in charge of the General Administration of Sport of China told reporters that recently there have been online messages questioning the inappropriate remarks made by Yuan Moumou, a cadre of a subordinate unit of the General Administration of Sport of China, on personal social media. The General Administration of Sport of China has paid attention to the relevant situation and immediately started to investigate and deal with it. Cyberspace is not a place outside the law. The General Administration of Sport of China is determined to implement the deployment of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, strictly manage and supervise the words and deeds of Party members and cadres, and severely investigate and deal with violations of regulations, discipline and laws, and will never tolerate them.

Recently, the Chinese swimming team at the Paris Olympics has received widespread attention. In the swimming pool, they shoulder the responsibility of winning glory for the country and face competition from many top players in the world; outside the swimming pool, they not only undergo more than normal doping tests, but also face the cold words of foreign athletes and coaches. While countless spectators are cheering for Chinese swimmers, some netizens have discovered that there are also "insiders" who are sneering at the winning athletes, and they are most likely insiders with their elbows turned outward.

Screenshots posted by netizens show that there is an account called "Medley" on Weibo.Not only did he publish many comments questioning Chinese athletes and slandering the Chinese swimming team, but he also made stupid comments that mocked astronauts and defamed the country's image. Shockingly, the real identity of "Medley" may be Yuan, an official of a unit under the State Sports General Administration.His past remarks are even more shocking, not to mention that he is a sports official.Even ordinary netizens cannot be so unscrupulous. In fact, it cannot be characterized as "inappropriate use of words".

Whether it is government officials or ordinary people, they have the right to express their opinions on public platforms. In fact, many officials speak out publicly on public platforms; some officials are used to "lurking" and listening to the voices of netizens. Yuan Moumou's pseudonym "Medley" shows that he has not forgotten his identity as a sportsman; but his words and deeds after the pseudonym completely ignore his own qualities and values. So many athletes have overcome the hardships of the years, overcome physical injuries, and withstand mountains of pressure to achieve one success after another, but in his eyes, they are just a joke?Not only is it unfair to the athletes, it also hurts the audience's simple feelings towards sports and the country.

What is puzzling is that Yuan has been "lurking" on the Internet for so many years.With so many unbearable remarks made, why didn’t the platform management or relevant authorities notice anything?How can he be responsible for management in an important position when his values ​​have been distorted for many years? In the past two years, the anti-corruption campaign in sports has been directed inwards, and the political ecology of the sports world has improved greatly. However, Yuan's nonsense on the Internet every other day is enough to show that there are still people who are indifferent and still playing the double-faced trick.Behind the sarcasm, there is both disrespect for athletes and disregard for laws and regulations.

The "medley swimming" that has been "underwater" for a long time must be thoroughly investigated.This is to create a good public opinion environment for the Chinese sports delegation to compete in the Paris Olympics, and it is also to clear the cyberspace and remove dirt for social fairness and justice.

Source: Beijing Evening News WeChat Official Account
